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Winter Favorites & Blog Makeover!

15 December 2014

Whoa! If this is your first time visiting since the last 24 hours, things probably look a bit different around here. As you can see, I got a new blog template which I absolute adore and my trusty best friend Katherine kindly installed everything for me to make it look all cutesey and what not since, well...I know just as much about computers as I do about how to run a marathon! What do you think? Do you like the new layout? Is it easy to navigate? Let me know in the comments!

Beauty vloggers and bloggers are always doing those "favorites" tags where in which they proceed to taunt you with a serious of adorable products that are mostly out of your price range. Well, to Calormen with drooling in envy at your computer screen! Here are some of my winter favorites that shall appeal to any bookworm.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I'm only a few chapters into this book, but I'm already engrossed. And yes, the story is just as enticing at its title. Complete with magicians, dark secrets and rivalry, it's like a mystery adventure all in one. It's been a while since I read something so innovative and imaginative; it's definitely a good wintertime read.

Electric Blankets. Yes, you heard me. If you're going to be laying in bed reading until the wee hours of the morn, you need to do it without freezing your hiney off! Seriously, do yourself a favor and invest. There are few sensations more satisfying than entering an already warm bed...ah, excuse me while I take a little nap.

Pictures. "But why?" you may ask. This is the most wonderful time of the year, people! And while I do believe in putting the camera down so that you can really absorb your surroundings, don't forget to capture these moments so you have something to look back upon and smile when the spring semester steals away your holiday smile. Here's a little snippet of my Christmas break thus far :)
We took second place in the gingerbread house competition. (You can check out more pictures by clicking on my Instagram link to the left.)

And last, but most certainly not least...baked.goods. I'm a desert fiend. I would happily squander all savory victuals and exchange them for a never ending buffet of cakes and pies. Additionally, when you're reading, you need something to munch on! I would recommend warm chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked bread, or even homemade hot chocolate!

And now my dear reader, you are prepared to take on winter! Go and apply these life saving aids to your Holiday routine and see if you are not all the more prepared to have a fun-filled season of festive cheer. I hope you enjoyed this fun little post, and look forward to more thought-provoking ones in the future...maybe. ;)

Finals Week, Pentatonix, and Poetic Exploits: An Update

08 December 2014

It's been quite a while since I did a "senior Sunday" post. Since the beginning of the semester, to be exact. *covers face*. But now that it's finals week and my last school day of the semester is on Tuesday (hyperventilates) I thought it was an appropriate time for a general update.

So, I'm officially halfway through senior year. I'm surviving my first college class math with more valor than I had anticipated, so wrapping up this first semester of college feels quite good. But whoever said senior year is the easiest year of high school was a big fat liar peanut. The best year it may be, but the easiest? *throws back head and laugh maniacally*. I'm thankful that I'll have almost a two month break, but those days will be filled with submitting college applications, writing essays, applying for scholarships, and mentally preparing myself for the fact that next year I will become a so called "adult." In the meantime, Christmas festivites like parties, gift exchanges, choir concerts, sweater buying binges, and a copious amount of the Pentatonix is keeping me sane and cheerful.

What's your favorite Christmas album this year? Aside from the Pentatonix's latest album, I still listen to Michael Buble quite a bit. :)

Also, I guess you could say I've been writing a lot more than normal, if you want to count sonnets into the category of what is productive. For the last few weeks, I've written about three poems a week and I'd like to think I'm starting to conquer my greatest literary mocker. Perhaps when I'm feeling brave, I'll post one on here.

Also, did you see the first chapter of my "new" book? ;) It's all explained in the post. Check it out here! Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.

How are you enjoying the Christmas season so far? I'm looking forward to having more blogging and reading time in the coming winter months. I guess I should get back to studying for tomorrow's final. *grins coyly* just ooooone more Gilmore Girls episode.

Happy Holidays!

Describe Your Face - Challenge

02 December 2014

Creating visual descriptions is one of the most difficult and enjoyable parts of writing. Making someone else envision what's in your imagination with only the power of words is a talent not everyone has a knack for. There are ways to improve, however. For example, instead of simply saying, she has blonde hair and blue eyes, describing the twinkle in her eyes or matching the tint of her hair to something more specific like hay, can immediately make the description seem more life like. Here is where the challenge comes in!

I'm going to dedicate a paragraph to describing to you what my face looks like, and then at the bottom of this post I will include a picture of my actual face. Yes I realize that there is a profile photo of me on the right, but that was taken over a year ago and in extremely poor lighting circumstances. Then, in the comments, tell me if I wrote an accurate description or what else I might include to make it more thorough. After you've reviewed my post, do this challenge on YOUR blog, leave a link to the post in the comments, and we can all check it out! :D enjoy!

I have thick, auburn hair with hues of copper and sparse bits of blonde here and there. In certain lighting, it simply seems brown yet the sunlight reveals various shades of cinnamon and scarlet. My wavy mane sits at about chest length, and sweeping bangs sit near my ears. I've got freckles, lot's of em, yet they have become more subtle through the years. Light brown specks pepper my cheeks and they are softest underneath my eyes. My eyes are medium green with flecks of gold in the center. Though not as bright as summer grass, they are of the same hue and sometimes look golden in the sunlight. My lips are of medium of plumpness and have a habit of pouting themselves. Their natural shade is a, pink rose color, (though they are concealed with a softer gloss in the picture.) I'd say I have a cheerful countenance, for I don't even know how to turn my mouth into a frown and my eyes get those happy crinkles whenever I smile. My nose is rather long, slightly slanted, and is the largest, least charming feature on my face. Though you can't seem them in the picture, I have, big, white straight teeth (thanks to years of braces) and my firm cheeks seem always to be blushing.

And now, for the reveal...(keep in mind this a low quality photo so not all of the coloring is correct, but hopefully you will get the idea.)

I tag the following bloggers!

Of course, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate!

Read My New First Chapter?

28 November 2014

Those of you who have been around here for a while may remember when I uploaded the first couple chapters to my last complete project, "A Season in Summerton." And those of you who have been around more recently may have seen me expresses my exasperation at making that story a success, and how I'm trying to modernize the same tale. Well, I'm finally making progress! Your encouragement and support through these last few months of sparse blogging has been incredibly valuable, and it would make my day if y'all would peruse the new, and I'd like to think improved, first chapter of "A Season in Summerton." Please PLEASE leave your honest thoughts and comments below. I cannot improve without criticism, and I really do care about what y'all think. Thank you for your time and happy reading!

There hasn’t been a good looking or worthwhile guy seen in Summerton in over ten years. Of course, available men have passed through before, but none of them made me suddenly forget how to speak and/or form coherent thoughts, a raging epidemic I have had the guilty pleasure of seeing many of my friends fall prey to. But it’s not like I have their heads turning or anything. When it comes to the game of man catching, I certainly have my work cut out for me. For example last spring, a decent blonde bachelor with a well-to-do family settled in Summerton, and Cecilia Carmichael had him thoroughly secured in her clutches before you could say, “don’t throw yourself so hard at the men, you might trip and crack your face.”
Don’t ask me how.
The fact that Cecilia’s face might have been carved by angels might have had something to do with it, yet I prefer to think he saw something more in her than a pretty face. Her prospective inheritance laid away by her Mr. CEO father who I’m convinced hasn’t been seen wearing anything other than a suit since he was potty trained, could also have been what induced the new kid to propose to Cecilia at her high school graduation. It wasn’t like the boy was desperate. Just hours after his arrival he was awarded the secret and illustrious nickname of, “the local hottie,” and he had captured the interest of all the single females within ten square miles…which is all the females within ten square miles.
Yet I digress.
Where was I? Ah yes, the unconventional proposal. Even though I had been fairly expecting an equally moronic stunt, even I the cynical life-meddler did not foresee such a public popping of the question. For the rest of the summer nothing was spoken of but the cancelled wedding. Cecilia’s mother managed to assemble the ceremony of the century even on short notice and the local church was so swallowed up in decorations that we could scarcely find the front door. My attendance was strictly formal and by formal I mean that mother forced me to go after she reminded with teary eyes and a series of nostalgic nose blows how Cecilia and I had once sang a duet together in an elementary school performance.
Though I nodded as my mother relived that night in all its childish beautym the only part of that evening I remember was when Cecilia “accidentally” sang my final crescendo note for me. Such a tease, that Cecilia. Always accidentally stealing other people’s moments. Despite all that, I was eager to see how the wedding would play out for I had never attended one which had been formed under such adversely ridiculous circumstances. I had to stop myself from smiling when my predictions came true and the money grubbing suitor, whom shall remain nameless, made no appearance at the altar other than to publicly proclaim that he had made a mistake.
Gasps resonated through the small, historical chapel and I scrutinized the scene with sharp eyes that the unfortunately hysterical moment would never fade from my memory. That dude fled from the church and was never seen or heard from again, although he narrowly escaped a beating from Mr. Carmichael’s crew of body guards and a heel to the head which was weakly although passionately thrown from the sweaty palm of Mrs. Carmichael. The ultimate crown to the moment, however, was when the back of his suit jacket closed with the door on his way out, and we saw it suddenly vanish through the crack as he screamed in terror. Cecilia crumpled up into a pathetic little heap on the altar steps and I might have felt more sorry for her were it not for the Vera Wang veil surrounding her sobbing, trembling face. All I could think to myself was, “You could have fed a third world village with the cost of that veil…or had another cake at the reception. The choice is yours but I think you made a poor one.”
To a certain extent she resembled an over-glorified baby whose crying face shamed the extravagant dress on its body. She mourned like a proper widow for days, however, a leisurely getaway in Vegas with some of her cousins restored her even faster than the engagement had been made. She came back looking perhaps not quite as fresh faced as before, but certainly more rosy-cheeked.
            Despite past scandals, the prospect of a new single guy coming to town continues to create a hub amongst the female population. As such, when my best friend Katie Pearce came to report the arrival of Charles Turner, I, though excited, did not dare to hope for my own success.
It could be easily concluded from Katie’s description of his pretty face and even prettier family fortune that brazen flirting from every single woman within sight, would soon ensue. Our small town dates back to over one hundred years ago and lies where all the dreams which once existed gloriously in their dreamer’s imagination until they lost hope and deserted the notion: in East Texas.
The set apart atmosphere encouraged families to stick around for far longer than they were wanted and, consequently, we children have grown up together. And that’s really just a charming way of saying that we have dirt on everyone and are more familiar with the same group of people than we would prefer to be. Even though our mothers continue to conspire and speculate in secret, we all have given up hope of finding any worthwhile partner in Summerton. Even nosy Ms. Baines who knows the darkest secrets of everyone and their great grandmother, has given up home of match-making the youth of Summerton with one another.
            “Soooo….is he nice?” I asked, after Katie interrupted my study session under my favorite maple tree to enter into a ten minute pitch on why this guy who I have never met is the best thing to happen to this town to date.
            “Well, uh…” she laughed and I rolled my eyes, feeling fairly certain of what her giggles foreshadowed. “I haven’t exactly met him yet. Though I caught a glimpse of him whenever he was helping the movers unload the trucks in front of their house. They picked that old, abandoned one on Orchard Street you know, they want to fix it up. Anyhow, he had a pleasing smile and welcoming eyes…I think you and he would make a divine pair.”
            “Nonsense,” I scoffed, slamming my textbook shut and rather gratefully resigned to an afternoon of gossiping rather than studying. “If Cecilia Carmichael doesn’t have him irrevocably in love with her before I have a chance to meet him, you will.”
            “Of course I could make him fall madly in love with me.” Said she, with a wink and playful toss of the head. “But so could you, I would warrant. You always get on so well with the guys.”
            “That’s just my problem. Boys don’t look among their buddies for romance, that I have learned the hard way. No, this time around I intend to try something new.”
            “Oh?” Katie questioned with an upward flick of her dark, pointed brows. “I hope you don’t intend to snub all of us and everything you once adored for mere attention.”
            “Hardly! And whatever I do shall not be in the sheer pursuit of amusement alone. I have designed a social experiment, and Charles Turner sounds like just the proper proponent for my equation.”
            “And this ‘experiment’ as you put it is highly scientific, I am sure?”
            We both smiled.
            “You know I would work with nothing other than the latest and finest developments of science.”
            “But honestly Sofie,” she continued, “What do you intend to change? I’ve always relied on you being instable when it comes to consistency. I don’t know how I could cope with the thought of your every move and thought being intended.”
            “Now,” I reverently closed my eyes and shook back my auburn hair. “This change is not to take place around old friends like you. I merely mean to present myself differently to those whom I am meeting for the first time.”
            Katie slowly nodded, as though attempting to understand. My pink lips twitched when I suppressed a smile. “You, and I daresay everyone in town considers me to be, what we shall label as…bold.”
            “Outspoken,” Katie continued, touching the tips of her fingers as though counting. “Giggly,”
            “Prone to clumsiness,”
            “Alright, I get the idea.” I laughed. “But I mean to act completely different. No more of my uncalled for although hilarious monologues, or frequent bursts of laughter.”
            “It won’t be easy for you.”
            “I know.” For some reason that prospect only made me smile all the more. As I faced the setting sun which lowered behind the town square, I took my most heroic stance and stared determinedly with my hands placed firmly on my hips. “But that is what will make it a challenge. I’ve always longed to be one of those soft-spoken, doe-eyed kind of girls who seem to swiftly obtain the attention of whomever they place their affections upon.”
            “Well not all guys prefer the same type. What if Charlie or some other boy comes along who would prefer your true personality?”
            Raising one eyebrow I stared her down, and Katie’s luminous blue eyes danced in return. “Seeing as I’m eighteen years old and that still hasn’t happened, I doubt it will. I’m not feminine enough for most guys and it’s time I started acting my age regardless.”
            Observing the sun which swung low in the sky, we joined arms and started walking towards my house. A delicious breeze swirled through Arthur Goodall’s peach orchard and saturated our lungs with the fragrance of summer. Lush grass mushing beneath my bare feet proved to be one of those delightful sensations that never loses its charm, despite the passing years. When we reached my wrap-around front porch or the “veranda” as my grandmother continues to call it, I said, “I’d invite you to stay over for dinner, but mom has already invited guests.”
            No question is rude with old friends.
            “The Bromwells.” I rolled the name off my tongue like a bratty child being forced to apologize.
            Katie nodded and clasped her hands behind her back. “Yes, I have heard of their daughter Penny.”
            “Have you heard that she is nauseatingly giddy in addition to being quite the impressive flirt?”
            “Rumors have circulated. But they only moved her a few weeks ago, so I would not consider local gossip reliable.”
            “I’ll try to give her a chance to prove herself,” I huffed as though granting someone the liberty of a first impression was really stretching my limits. “But if what I’ve heard turns out to be true, this will not be an enjoyable meal.”
            Katie smiled and turned her feet like she was saying goodbye when she suddenly smiled and said, “The Turners, and now the Bromwells. Isn’t it weird?”
            “Isn’t what weird?” I yawned.
            “It’s been ages since anybody new has come to Summerton. I hope they turn out to be likeable people.”
            Patting her arm I replied, “That’s all we can really hope for, I suppose. Though I feel I’m not as excited by the prospect of a new “bachelor” as I should be.”
            “You never have been the giddy type.” She said, half admiringly, half reproachfully.
“I’m expecting you to keep me in line whenever we meet him.”
            “I will be the very model of sophistication, that you might mimic my graceful manners.” Like a pudgy ballerina I began dizzily twirling towards the front door as though dancing for an imaginary crowd.
            When Katie caught her laugher she wheezed, “Oh Sofie, the day when you are graceful and charming will be a far more headlining occasion that a good looking guy moving to town.”

            Our laugher rang and molded together like a familiar harmony. When it faded beyond the birdsong and rustling leaves she said, “I’ll see you later. Good luck with the dinner tonight.”      I closed one eye, stuck out my tongue, and made a gagging sound while pointing to my open mouth before walking inside where mom was frantically flying around the living room, fluffing pillows and demanding the food in the oven not to burn. 

I Don't Know What To Write Anymore

19 November 2014

I used to write every day. I had a clear direction and concrete ideas...I knew what I was doing and everyday I would strive towards my goal. Yet now...I don't know what to write anymore. After completing my second novel which I was so proud of and realizing that the subject and setting weren't what today's publishers are looking for, I kind of lost direction. I'm still invested in that story and right now I have the idea to modernize it but it's so difficult to start again from scratch when I haven't been writing consistently in months. All the worries of senior year have been taking up so much of my time that it seems I don't have time to write anymore. But what's worse is that I don't know what to write because I don't have the same clear direction and ideas as I used to.

Have you ever felt this way? What do you do when you lose passion, or inspiration, or things don't go according to plan? Maybe I should start a new project, a different project that isn't writing a full-fledged book. I know that I have what it takes to succeed and be a writer, but it's never been so hard to get started.

I don't what to write anymore...what should I do?

Writing About People You Know

02 November 2014

Oh, the constant struggle. It's tempting, satisfying, terrifying, and deliciously exciting all at the same time. I'm not sure that there is a convincing argument on either side of whether it's a good idea or not to write about people you know. All I can say is, you never know until you try and in my personal's been awesome. Of course, none of my works have been published yet, and that may very well have something to do with it. But as someone who always writes with publication in mind, I thought I would share a few tips with you if you are considering incorporating family members or friends into your stories.

First of all, if you are writing about someone you don't like or someone who has hurt you, for the sake of not seeming catty at least, DON'T make it obvious. Change their name, don't let your character have the same physical features as the person you know. And don't directly re write situations from real life. "Well where is the fun in writing about them?," you might say. The fun comes when you can take the hurt that they inflicted upon you, and make your hero or heroine experience it. Rather than directly recreating an insult or a particular scarring incident, make up a different situation that has the same outcome. That is, your villain who is based off of someone you know, inflicts the same pain you/your main character experiences, but in an entirely different way. That way, should the IRL person in question read your story, even if they have an inkling that it might be about them, they will have no proof to rub your nose or confront you about! It's really the perfect crime. You get to express how you feel to yourself, and the public, and the person who it's based off of may never find out! Oh the glory of fiction!

Also, if you are planning on basing a character directly off of someone you know, it's not a bad idea to ask that person if it's okay, or at least inform them about what you are doing. I'm assuming that if you are basing a character off of someone you know, they must be pretty cool and you probably like them and won't be writing any nasty stories about them. But if you know it will become obvious to that person who the character is based off of, inform that person about it before you let them read anything. Chances are, they will be flattered and excited to see how you interpret them into your story.

Have you ever written about people you know? Sometimes it can be subtle, and you incorporate character traits from several different friends into one person, or maybe you are taking the more classy form of revenge by basing your villain off of someone who has wronged you. I personally think writing about IRL people is fun, but it must be done in good taste. What are your thoughts?

Books and Candy "Halloween Tag"

30 October 2014

1. Apples

Ah, healthy food. It is deep, meaningful, and probably won a lot of awards but, um, it really isn't your thing.

*sigh* here it goes..."The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green really didn't tickle my fancy as much I was hoping. From an objective point of view I can somewhat understand the hype but, really isn't my thing.

2. Milk Chocolate

This is the book that you'd recommend to absolutely EVERYONE.

Ugh! Are you kidding me?! There are so.many. But I'll go with one I haven't mentioned in a while: "The Great Gatsby." It's a classic for good reasons. And I firmly agree that everyone should read it. 

3. Black Jellybeans


I'll just go with the standard "Twilight." I feel as though our generation might have been saved much eye-rolling and personal embarrassment if those books had never made it to public shelves. 

4. Chocolate Kisses

Ah...this novel had the best romance. 

Is it possible to top the romance story in "Anne of Green Gables?" I mean, the author dragged us along for nearly three books before our fantasies came true. There is no sweeter love story than when best friends finally fall in love.

5. Gummy Spiders

Eek! You made sure to check under your bed every night before going to sleep.

Certain Sherlock Holmes stories along with "The Picture of Dorian Gray" made me hurriedly clamp them shut a few times when I realized that they weren't the best books to be reading in bed. 

6. Jumbo Lollipop

This took you forever to get through but hey! You did it!

"Les Miserables" took me several months to finish; it's nearly 1,000 pages. But I wouldn't mind reading it again; it's one of my favorites.

7. Cotton Candy

Admit it, you loved this book when you were younger, and probably still do. 

Again, there are oh so many it's difficult to choose. However, I must confess, I still find the "Junie B. Jones" series hilarious. I mean, who doesn't love her? She understand us, and did all the things which we secretly dreamed of doing but were never brave enough to attempt. :P

I saw this blog on nevillegirl, and themagicviolinst's blog! Let me know what you thought, and leave a link to your tag in the comments :)

An Open Letter To Over-Achievers

27 October 2014

     Dear annoying girl/boy in class who nobody can stand and let me tell you why,

Perhaps you didn't know this, but it isn't necessary to answer a question just because you know the answer.


Yep, you heard me correctly. Chances are, if you would wait longer than half a second after the professor asks a question to either belt out the answer or raise your hand that is probably becoming of the other 20 to 30 people in the classroom would find it in their what you consider to be pea-sized brain to conjure up a possible right answer. I know, it's crazy, right? There you are, sitting in the front row all bright-eyed and bushy tailed where the instructor will be making eye-contact with you rather frequently and be able to hear you upon first utterance when you grace the classroom with your abounding wisdom for the twentieth time that hour. What you probably don't realize is that among the rows of chairs behind you are equally if not more capable peers who also know the answer, or who would at least like to have a chance to improve their participation grade. Yes, we all know that you are a wonderful little nerd and your parents must be oh-so-proud of that ever increasing 'A' grade of yours but did you ever stop to think that you aren't the only intelligent mortal in the classroom?

And another thing,

Nobody wants to know that you got a 100 on the first exam when half the class got C's. Sure, if a peer asks you in private there is no harm in being honest. But for the sake of your own like-ability don't be that National Merit Scholar kid who finds a way to worm their PSAT score in a typical conversation concerning how stupid last week's assignment was. For one thing, we already know you got a good score. Do you honestly think nobody noticed the teacher's smile when he handed you back your paper and the shocked smiles of those who sit near you? Yeah...think again, over-achiever.

There is no harm in being smart, or eager. I'm just saying, much like decaf coffee there is a time and a place to answer every single question and blab about how easy the assignment was for you: never, and in the trash.

Even if the assignment was a breeze for you and you can't comprehend why everyone else seems to be struggling so much, next time you find yourself caught up in one of those typical student conversations before the start of class, try dumbing yourself down a little for the sake of crossing a few enemies off your list. Find something that has been difficult or confusing for you and talk about it. Trust me, nobody is going to start thinking that you're stupid. Nobody is going to tattle to the professor that his favorite little gem of a student isn't perfect in and out of the classroom. The only outcome will be that people will like you a little more and here's a newsflash: it might even make the teacher like you a little more.

No teacher, no matter how smart the student may be, likes that kid who never messes up and has the social skills of an introverted eskimo.

Long story short, try keeping your success to yourself every now again, and you'll find the world a much nicer place.


     Your average classmates

Don't Follow Your Heart

20 October 2014

Whoa, whoa, whoaaaaa. Did you read that title correctly? Uh-huh, you sure did. I think following your heart is one of the most dangerous things you can do, and let me explain what I mean by that.

Our emotions are often arbitrary, that is, very disconnected with our common sense, or knowledge of right and wrong. This is often why relationships continue for longer than they are supposed to. Even though the person in question knew they needed to let go, it was just too painful to do because of "love" and "feelings" and "emotions" and all that stuff that I sometimes think I could live without. In such cases, following your heart will lead you into even more pain. You have to do what you know is right, rather than what your poor, sweet, misguided little heart desires.

It's true with writing too, and probably most things in life, but especially writing.

You must write what needs to be said, and that might very well correlate to what you want to say, and that's awesome! You can't leave participles dangling around, or incorporate as many prepositional phrases as your heart desires. Writing requires a lot of discipline, and this often means denying our heart and pursuing what we know we must do.

What do you think? How do you agree or disagree with my rather radical claim? Let me know in the comments below!

20 Things You May Not Know About Me

15 October 2014

1. How Tall Are You?

Five feet and seven inches!

2. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?

Um, I'm pretty good at accents and making funny voices? Sometimes people joke that I should look into voice-acting :P Who knows! Maybe someday...

3. What's your biggest blog related pet peeve?

When people have links that look super awesome and then don't work....*sniff sniff*

4. What is your biggest non-blog related pet peeve?

When people correct me when I'm on a roll or in the middle of a story and it TOTALLY wasn't necessary! Thanks for killing my vibe, yo....

5. What's your favorite song?

This question is like, beyond impossible. I'm sorry. 

6. What's your favorite Etsy store that isn't yours?

RoyaltySoaps! They make the most high-quality, beautiful soaps I have ever seen! You can check out their link here :)

7. What's your favorite way to spend your free time when you're alone?

I do admit, I rather enjoy singing at the top of my lungs when I have the whole house to myself. 

8. What's your favorite junk food?

Peanut butter pie! Good Lawd, have you had that stuff? It's the most delicious form of heart attack I've ever tasted!

9. Do you have a pet?

Yes! I have a six year old, tri-colored Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Beasley! He's the most adorable pooch in the world; I really should treat y'all to some pictures sometime :)

10. What is your favorite fiction book and favorite non-fiction book?

Favorite fiction book: Pride and Prejudice and favorite non-ficiton is probably Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis

11. What's your favorite beauty product?

Mmm...maybe mascara? Actually, no, that eyeybrow powder stuff. Cause honey, it don't matter how flawless your makeup be, if the eyebrows ain't on point, there just ain't no point in all that other makeup. #word. 

12. When were you last embarassed? What happened?

This is a difficult question for me because my life is basically one, long awkward moment. And some of them are way too complicated to explain. But yesterday at school, I was messing around with the camera on my ipod and when I inadvertently took a selfie, and some dude behind me laughed -_-. As if we don't all take selfies every now and again! Sheesh...

13. If you could only drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be?

 Probably coffee or root beer!

14. What's your favorite movie?

While I'm not certain that it's my favorite movie of all time, but I'll just say The Princess Bride because it's been a favorite of mine since I was a kid, and it never really stops being hilarious. 

15. What were you in highschool? Prom queen, nerd, valedictorian, cheerleader, loner, artist or prep?

Um, well I've been homeschooled since fourth grade, but I'm not really sure. So I took some of those BuzzFeed quizzes, and according to them, I'm the cheerleader or prep which, I kind of disagree with but, whatever ;P

16. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

London! No buts about it!

17. P.C or Mac?

Well, I currently have a pc, but I'd rather have a mac to be honest .

18. Last romantic gesture from a crush/date/boyfriend or girlfriend/spouse?

Um, I don't remember the most recent gesture my bf extended, but even though he hates reading, he's reading Pride and Prejudice because I told him it's my favorite book ever so...major points to him :)

19. Favorite Celebrity?

Emma Stone is the bomb diggity fo shizzles. She's a great actress, not to mention hilarious, and drop dead gorgeous. I want her hair!! The red hair...

20. What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?

Okay, I'm gonna just say it...Skylar Finn, you seem super dee duper dee awesome ;) Let's be pals!

Okay guys! Now y'all know a little bit more about me, and now it's your turn! Do this tag on your blog and comment below with the link :)

People Watching

11 September 2014

I've always loved people watching. When I'm waiting in a silent classroom for the professor to begin his lecture, unlike most of my peers, I don't pull out my phone, I look at people. And I mean that in the most non creepy way possible. Rather than simply staring at the person sitting next to me I just glance around the room every so often and comprehend more faces each time. The people vary so much from age, race, gender and personal style. Instead of guffawing at the slightly overweight male dressed in scrubs with his curly fro pushed back by a headband...I speculate on why he might be where he is, or where he just came from.

There are an infinite number of possibilities.

Maybe he simply enjoys wearing scrubs to class. Or, perhaps his father is a nurse practitioner, and he is working for the family business while trying to earn a degree to become a nurse himself someday. Better yet, perhaps he volunteers part time in a hospital while going to school full time because he has compassion for the sick.

Try it sometime. Next time you are waiting in line at a grocery store, or are waiting for class to begin, or are riding in an airplane, put down your phone (or maybe even your book) and take a moment to observe the folks around you. You'd be surprised how much it sharpens your ability to invent more complex characters for your writing, or to simply grow accustomed to considering more possibilities about others.

It Would Seem I Am Very Sunshiney

04 September 2014

Thanks to the the magic violinist for nominating me for this award! :D I'm not entirely sure what all this title entails, but being compared to one of our main life sources couldn't be an insult in any way, right? So, uh, thanks! I'm guessing ;)

Kate's Questions:

1. Would you rather drink a liter of your least favorite soda in one sitting or eat a pound of fudge of your least favorite flavor in one sitting?

I would definitely rather drink my least favorite soda, which is Dr. Pepper. ( I know, I know. Sue me.) I mean, either way I probably wouldn't feel too good, but I feel as though a pound of pure chocolate might not only make me feel awful, but clog up pretty much everything in my body for the next 24 hours. I should hope that Dr. Pepper might be easier to digest.

2. What book do you think is over-hyped?

I've said it once but I'll say it again...The Fault in Our Stars. I did not find it particularly moving, or clever, or life-changing. In short, I felt as though the story was trying to be deep, but it ended up not being so. Sorry (not sorry) It's a sensitive subject I try to stay away from :P

3. What book have you reread the most?

That's probably a tie between Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. Both are favorites, but I've probably finished Little Women more times because it's a slightly easier read. 

4. Movies or TV shows?

Yikes...that's so.difficult! Proooooobably movies because I find myself watching those more with friends, and there are only a couple of tv shows that can keep my interest. But the ones that I do watch, I enjoy a whole whole bunch. :) Some of my favorite shows include "Once Upon a Time", "Arrested Development" , "Lost" and "Psych"  

5. Binge watching or syndication?

Umm, I'd have to say both. When I'm really passionate about something, I will put forth the effort to begin a cause or raise awareness, but if someone more qualified comes along to take the reins, I will gladly hand them over and sort of watch from the sidelines. 

MYYYY Questions! 

1. What was your favorite movie you saw this summer?
2. If you had to eliminate one of your talents, which ability would you exchange it for?
3. Would you rather co-write a story with your favorite author, or spend a day in your favorite fantasy world?
4. Which book to movie adaption are you most excited for?
5. And finally, would you rather have a tiny dragon, or a tiny elephant? 

I nominate the following lucky recipients:

Drew Carson
Macy Thomas

Good luck guys and happy blogging!

Senior Sunday

31 August 2014

Just in case you weren't aware, I'm a senior in high school. Yeah, I can't believe it either. Mostly because, I always thought that I would be really mature by this time and have my life figured out...ha, aren't expectations just HILARIOUS? Since people are always posting "senior sunday selfies" and everything related in between, I thought I would talk a little bit about my ensuing journey as a senior on my blog this year. Admittedly, it probably won't be a weekly feature, but it wouldn't hurt to try, now would it?

As most of you know, I'm homeschooled. (Nerd for life.) To be honest, I have really enjoyed being homeschooled for the past seven years and it's really weird to know that I'm almost done with my secondary education. Since I've completed most of my high school credits, this year I'm taking two dual credit classes at my local community college. Yep, I said college, people. Putting a happy-go-lucky homeschooler into the halls of a college is...interesting. For starters, navigating a parking lot full of people who are older than you whom would rather escape the parking lot asap than make sure they don't hit you is, invigorating, if not welcome. Also there are many people on campus

This semester, I'm taking college algebra and English Composition, which I am ecstatic to be studying. As an avid math-hater, the very sound of "college algebra" made me want to sweat, cringe, puke, and run away all at the same time. However as I discovered on my first day of class last Tuesday, this course isn't nearly as intimidating as it sounds. It's all algebra 2 stuff (so far), so it's stuff that everybody in the class is familiar with, (at least I should hope so).

After that, I squirm may through the hallways and make my way to English class. Even though I have attended two classes so far, I still get confused as to where my classroom is. "Let's see, I go up and the stairs and then I go forward or it back? Left or right? I can't remember..." Needless to say, I have often had to circle the entire floor a couple of times to find my classroom. Even though we haven't really done much work yet, my Professor seems enthusiastic about writing and I'm looking forward to learning.

It's weird being the youngest person in all my classes, but also kind of super awesome. It makes me feel like a smarticle particle when I'm am put on the same educational pedestal as people in their twenties and thirties.

Anyways, we'll see how this year progresses but so far, so good and I'm loving being a senior. :) I'm like the top dog, dawg. Bascially...

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

26 August 2014

Thank you, Kate for nominating for this award! :D


Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
List the rules and display the award.
Share seven facts about yourself.
Nominate some other amazing bloggers and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.


#1: I have never flown in a commercial airplane, only private ones.

#2: I have average-to-larger feet and very small hands. Sometimes I feel like a disproportionate monkey.

#3: My favorite food is sushi and no, I am NOT ashamed.

#4: If for some reason becoming an author didn't work out for me, I think I would pursue some task that requires comedic skills like maybe acting, or script-writing.

#5: I've always wanted to invent a candle that smells like a bookstore by combining the aroma of parchment with coffee.

#6: I was once chased by a donkey through the snow on a late winter's night. I invite you to draw your own conclusions.

#7: And finally, I have never been to Boston in the fall. (10,000,000 point to you if you know what that is from.)

I now nominate the following inspiring bloggers!

Drew Carson from
Maria from

Go forth then, my little blogglings! For you have been counted "inspirational"! :)

The Bookshelf Tag

25 August 2014

So, as far I know, I haven't been "tagged" in this post but when I saw it floating around...I just couldn't resist. :D I adore books and I love me a good tag so I think it's only fair that I participate. Psst, also I will tag five people at the bottom of this post...check to see if I tagged you so that you can spread the love!

1. Is there a book that you really want to read but you haven't because you know that it'll make you cry?

Okay I don't reeeeeeally want to but I was sort of curious to read The Boy in Striped Pajamas...that is until, I watched the movie, and swiftly realized it was the saddest story ever created.

2. Pick a book that helped introduce you to a new genre.

The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie sparked my interest for mystery novels. 

3. Find a book that you want to re-read.

First of all, I love how this question says "find" as if it is a major breakthrough when a bookworm wants to re read one of their favorites. :P If anything, I'd say I'm guilty of too much re-reading. But, one of these days I think I want to re-visit East of Eden by John Steinbeck again. *whispers* so good!

4. Is there a book series you read that you wished you hadn't?

No. The answer is simply no. And if there are any books that I regret reading, they certainly didn't come in a series. I feel like after developing a distaste for book number one, I would not continue to read the books which follow...ya feel meh?

5. If your house was burning down and your pets and family were safe, which book would you run back inside to save?

Thankfully I have the entire Jane Austen in collection in one, big fat book so, I wouldn't definitely grab that one. Not only does it contain my favorite story of all time, but there are like, seven others to read so I would have a worthy beginning for re-starting a library. 

6. Is there one book on your book shelf which brings back fond memories?

To be honest, nearly all the books on my bookshelf do! And I don't think I would want it any other way. However, I must say that Les Miserables by Victor Hugo always brings a smile to my face. I received the book a couple Christmases ago just around the time that the movie came out. Reading it over the ensuing winter months was a cozy, delightful experience and the book is now among my favorites. 

7. Find a book that has inspired you the most.

To me, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis just breathes inspiration. Everything about the characters and the story and the amazing history of the world which lies beyond the wardrobe it's just, just...ah! So beautiful; it not only invigorates my imagination, but inspires me to write something equally grand. 

8. Do you have any autographed books?

Well, considering that all my favorite authors are That would be kind of awkward. Just a little bit. 

9. Find the book that you have owned the longest.

I am proud to say that that would be Anne of Green Gables, my most favoritest of series. When I was about seven, a family friend was cleaning out her bookshelf (a chore I hope I never have to face) when she gave me the series. Though the books were old when I received them, some of the covers are now missing because I have read them so often. Whoops.

10. Is there a book by any author which you never imagined you would read or enjoy?

I'd have to say, The Hunger Games. To be honest, I read the book out of the faint desire to please my friends and my even fainter curiosity. To my surprise, I was hooked instantly and I found myself intrigued enough to finish the whole series. Well, I didn't actually finish Mockingjay, but that's a rant for a later post.

I hope you enjoyed this tag! It was a blast for me to do and therefore I shall nominaaaaaate, The Idea Catcher, The Magic Violinist, The Psuedo-Intellectual, My Oddly-Shaped Thought Cloud and Life of a Random! Can't wait to see your posts :D  

Surprise, I'm Back! (What I've Been Doing, and Where I Have Been)

12 August 2014

Wow. It's been a ridiculously long time and that is simply unacceptable. I can't believe I have practically let my lovely little blog deteriorate over the summer, and missed out on so many of my favorite blog posts. I truly am sorry to have gone away for so long but I'm here to tell you that not only am I back, but I'm here to stay. :)

So, what have I been doing? Well, it may not sound like much, but I've been working (sometimes full time) registering for school, travelling and unfortunately, dealing with some personal issues. I can't remember a time in my life (much less, a summer in my life) , where I have written and read so little. It's taken a toll on my creative fire and I've been feeling drained for a while. Yet now that I have quit my job and am enrolled in college courses, I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm getting back into the swing of things. :)

My goal this year to read two books every two weeks (making exceptions for the especially long ones.) :) I'd like to be reading one classic book and one modern book at a time. I've confessed on this blog multiple times before that I am guilty of indulging primarily in the classics. And while I continue to believe that the classics are the best, I know that in order to write a story that will appeal to contemporary audiences, I need to know what is popular on the current literary market. Also, you may remember my latest project, A Season in Summerton. Set in the Victorian era, it was a romantic comedy which I had been working on for about a year or so. Although I am incredibly proud of how my writing technique and character development skills have advanced...I currently feel as though that story does not have much to offer the modern society of readers. I won't give up on it completely. I fully intend to revisit the project and maybe even explore e-publishing. Yet for now...I am thrilled about a new novel idea!

You guys, I never thought the day would come but writing a modern fantasy novel! Shocking, I know. ;) The details are still a little hazy, but my goal is to have the first draft done by 2015. The story  I have conjured up not only satisfies my own senses, yet I feel as though it contains that seductive spark that so many of the fantasy bestsellers have. Well,  here's hoping anyways.

I intend to not only update you on the progress of my new book, but on my reading and daily observations as well. :) The weekly, posts are BACK people! And I also mean to begin keeping up with all of your blogs as well in the meantime. I've missed you guys! I'd love to hear how your summers went. I certainly hope it has contained more productive writing time than mine...please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Do I Have Enough Experience?

07 July 2014

It happened again. More rejections. Even more than last time. And this is the second time around. I've written something new, fresh and what I thought was altogether better quality. So why is the interest so slim? This was supposed to be it. My big break. My chance to start a fresh. Sure, there were some who showed interest in my previous project but, that fell through. And now, I'm starting to wonder...

Do I have enough experience to write something worth reading? Hear me out...

I'm 17 years old and I would venture to say that while my life thus far has been full of love, laughter and mini adventures along the way...I have yet to gain enough life-experience under my belt to provide me with any material that would rock the literary world. I'm currently re-reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett, a novel I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Although Ms. Stockett wrote about an era she didn't live in, she wrote about what she knew. She grew up in Jackson Mississippi and most likely gained the material which is in her book by hearing these stories and observing the history of her town. She wrote a book that is now dear to the American people by writing about something that is dear to her. And that is just my concern.

At this time in my life, what do I have to write about that is so dear to me? Writing, writing is dear to me. Great, I can't exactly write about how much I love writing. Though there are full-fleshed characters in my head and countless plot lines I am beginning to I old enough or wise enough to really have anything helpful to say?

I'm not saying I'm giving up but I might be saying that...the timing could be bad.

What do you think? Is it better to attempt publishing now, simply write down my ideas and save them for later, or live my life and re-visit the whole, "writing career" thing in ten years?

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Literary Couples

11 June 2014

   I saw a post on the Book Chewers blog about their favorite literary couples and naturally, it got me thinking about mine. Though our favorite fiction is no doubt filled with fantastic adventures we will only ever dream of going on and tear jerking tragedies, perhaps most of all, these beloved stories tend to warm our hearts with love stories so perfect...they could only be found in novels. ;) Therefore, it goes without saying that these famous couples deserve some recognition and maybe we can look into their journeys of romance to learn why they captured our hearts so quickly.

     I'll start with an old, obvious and yet altogether lovely one: Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.

     Say the words "Mr. Darcy" and every classy female within earshot shall begin swooning while the surrounding men exchange confused and perhaps frightened, glances. If you ask me, Mr. Darcy isn't necessarily the whole enchilada on his own but that's ok! Because he and Lizzy together make an undoubtedly perfect match. Why, you ask? Because it's true that opposites attract. While they are both strong-willed, opinionated and terribly judgmental at times...their opposing personalities mesh like puzzle pieces. Optimism vs. pessimism. Laughter vs. sobriety. And romance vs. practicality. They end up together against all odds, and it is the vast amount of obstacles that stand between them, which make us root for their union all the more.

     You can't help but love Anne and Gilbert.

As individual humans, they are quirky and captivating. And when together, their carefree friendship sails so beautifully that it's blatantly obvious to the reader that they were meant to be. I think perhaps the best thing about Anne and Gilbert is that their love story isn't dramatic or full of passion. Like so many relationships in real life, their friendship gradually grows into something more and the transformation is so natural that you can't really pinpoint when it began. They are best friends who happen to love each other. What more could anyone wish for?

    And finally, a couple that never really happened, yet remains transfixed in my heart nonetheless, Laurie and Jo.

Ah! I've read the book multiple times and yet I'm still convinced that Jo and Laurie should have been together. (Personally, I think it shows that the author has poor match-making skills. ;) Two comrades who couldn't be more comfortable around each other, they share their deepest secrets and fight like a brother and sister. Throughout it all, they cared for one another deeply, even though Jo never loved Laurie the way he wanted her to. They got along so beautifully and had everything in common. SO WHY THE HECK DIDN'T THEY END UP TOGETHER LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO?! Geez...ok, I'm done.

I'm curious to hear about your favorite couples from literature. Be sure to share in the comments below. :)

Summer Book Club!

30 May 2014

Wow you guys. I have seriously been slacking on the blogging lately. But between work and school and all the fun things life throws at you in between, sometimes these finer pleasures can be neglected. HOWEVER, I have formed a plan to keep us engaged throughout the summer and that is to bring back one of my favorite features I have ever brought to my blog and that is...the online book club!

So far, we have read These Broken Stars as chosen by my readers and The Maze Runner as chosen by me. This time around I want YOU to suggest books from which I will choose our book for this summer. Ideally, I would like to have our book picked out by the end of the June ,so keep the suggestions coming until then!

Just like with the two previous endeavors, I will also select two willing bloggers to share their reviews with me to be posted on my blog whenever the post goes up, probably in August. Yet this venture won't be much fun without participants so my charge to you is that if you are interested in partaking in the blogging or even if you would just like to read along, share this event to your blog!

I can't wait to get back into the groove of things and to unite once more under our common love of literature. :) I am open to any suggestions so feel free to comment below or email me at: if you are interested in blogging with me! Happy summer and happy reading, guys!

Query Letter Help!

12 May 2014

Hey you guys! So, I'm making the common although still terrifying step of preparing a query letter for my latest project! I know that I have read many of your query letters and that we all have a little bit of exposure now so if you don't mind, perhaps ya'll could take a little look at some of the samples I have below and give me your thoughts! I have two different summaries below, each for my latest novel, A Season in Summerton. Thank you so much for your feedback, and don't forget to comment below. :)

"Sofie King isn’t like the other girls. Brazen and ambitious, Sofie has always been too busy cracking jokes and pursuing her dreams to take notice of the men around her. That all changes however, when seemingly perfect Charles Turner moves to Summerton and attracts the attention of every surrounding available female, including Sofie. As she opens a new chapter in her life, Sofie is faced with the decision of preserving old friendships or chasing after the one who has claimed her affections unlike any other. Through death, new relationships and old mistakes, Sofie King makes the journey from childhood into adulthood along side her brother, old friends and her new-found love interest."


"18 year old Sofie King has always been too busy cracking jokes and pursuing her dreams to take any notice of the men around her. That all changes when Mr. Charles Turner arrives in the small town of Summerton, in all his good looks and good graces. But Charles is everything desirable and not all at all the sort of fellow who would ever glance twice at a silly and unconventional girl like Sofie. Between death, heartache and laughter along the way, Sofie King must learn to navigate the waters of affection while maintaining old friendships and forming new ones."

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Happy blogging, friends!

Something I Said

06 May 2014

This is something I wrote about words a long time ago. I thought I would share it with you, to see how many writers would agree with me. 

     Words are more than just a means of communication. Words can finalize, enact, initiate, create, provoke and astound. Though both the spoken and the written word is in itself an art form, it can perhaps better than all the others, describe and do justice to its fellow creations. Love and laughter are induced first by the workings of the tongue, while hate and betrayal are never certain without a few scribblings or sayings. It’s one of the rare things that every human can understand, yet it goes without saying that not everyone fully appreciates its power. 
     Music, art and dance, many marvel at, yet so few speak those languages and converse with it themselves. Like a child receiving their first piano lesson or dance shoes, everyone to an elementary extent at least, knows some of the majesty of language. For those who take an interest in something else, they only know they cannot exceed without either the written or spoken word. They consider it as essential as a bodily limb or daily victuals, often taking it equally for granted.
      Yet for the wordsmith and the writer, words are ravenously sought after as a means and gift to express themselves by the medium which they first learned. Be it to relieve an unspoken struggle or to gift to the world a story, thought or victory which would be so much sweeter shared. Words are immortal. The need for them will both literally and artistically always required. The meaning behind a piece of music or a well-crafted sculpture can easily be forgotten or warped by sad interpretation without word to confirm, deny or explain.
      And it goes beyond necessity.
      Emotions are guided by them, and the greatest moments and milestones could not occur without them. Of course, a well-executed action, laugh or look might more effectively convey, yet those mere deeds mean nothing without prior speech. Words woo the woman and affirm the man. They make a hazy thing certain, destroy what is already crumbling and complete a hope which was once mere. Spoken, written or signed, words acknowledge beauty, verbally spit upon wrong and sometimes cry better than tears.

     Words are life. To go without would be to perish. With them, the blind see, the deaf hear and the mute communicate. For the average man or woman, they are a nice necessity. And for the artist, they are a gift to humanity. Words preserve moments that deserve to be remembered, voice the things we feel and make a picture.
      Words are wonderful, you see. But more than that, they have power. A power that cannot be casual, and that is why the wordsmith cannot lightly employ them. For with words, one can wreak more calamity than what is imaginable and with words, we can breathe life into the dying and remember the dead. 

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below! :)

Do Your Words Mean Anything?

28 April 2014

People often say, "words are cheap". To a petty and often conversational extent, this saying holds true. A girl will spew out compliments she doesn't really mean in order to appear kind. A boy will whisper sweet phrases into the ear of his sweetheart that soon reveal themselves to be sweet nothings. Every day, people make promises they never keep.

These sort of bad habits lead us to believe that words don't mean anything. They're empty; they're just words. And while some may abuse the great gift of speaking and communicating in this fashion, it is our job as writers to mean what we say.

When you write a story, don't form your phrases to make yourself sound intelligent. Say something hard hitting, that will get the point across. As you form an intricate plot line for your story, don't simply crank out a book to sell. Speak about something you feel passionately about. Tell a story because it needs to be heard. Maybe you learned a valuable lesson and you feel the need to share it. Whatever your motive, make sure it is noble and that your words actually mean something.

In a fallen world where the gift of words is so often abused, spat upon and stomped on, it is our task as writers to take back the privilege of written communication and use it to uplift others. Don't write to simply thrill your reader for a short period of time. That would be just as shallow as the sly, charming boy who tells you he loves you and then slams the door in your face. Rather, tell a story to heal a wound, teach a lesson or share an important story.

Whatever you do, mean what you say.

My 100th Post!

21 April 2014

You guys...THIS IS MY 100TH POST ON MY BLOG!!! :D Are you excited? You should be. Cause if you're not, you can just leave....just kidding! Actually, yeah, no party poopers allowed. The door is right above you, if you want to click that little 'x' button on your open tab.

I don't really have anything super monumental or exciting planned for this post. But if it's okay with you, I thought I would just share a little bit of my blogging experience with you. About a year and a half ago, on December 31st, 2012, I uploaded my first blog post with the intention of uploading a new post every week. For the most part, I maintained that resolution fairly well. Not to mention it was easy to do as I became more and more interested in the great wide world of bloggity blogs.

By posting weekly (or, almost weekly) I have received helpful, thoughtful comments from many of you guys. When I began uploading work from my previous novel, your treasured feedback came pouring in and it was some of the best encouragement I have received. I've found other small bloggers, and fellow teen writers as well. It's wonderful to see people my age who share my passion and get excited about the same things I do.

Overall I'm glad I joined this place, and I hope to be a part for a while yet. :)

Happy blogging!

Sometimes, You Have to Settle

09 April 2014

If you are a writer, you will never be 100% satisfied with the work that you produce.
I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but deadlines and work plans are necessary because if you plan on polishing your novel until you are completely happy with are never going to see it published.
 Maybe you've already figured this out, but if you haven't, you may just want to let this reality sink in for a minute.

You can't afford to write until you are totally pleased. You have good instincts and you've thoroughly researched the current literary market and are well aware of what it requires to crank out a bestseller.

Put your skills and creative incentive to use and WRITE something. Write to tell a story that needs to be heard. Write to make a difference. Write to employ your gift for the craft that is words.

Those should be your only goals, really. Perhaps there have been great writers who have written solely to satisfy their ego...but they were great. You and I are still learning. And that's why we have to maintain a goal in mind.

If you want to see an idea of yours out on bookstore shelves before you die...get writing and do the best you can. Produce something you can take pride in. Even geniuses find fault in their masterpieces. But we shouldn't strive for perfection. We should strive to create something that will entertain, last and impact.

The only thing you should let yourself settle on, is your own satisfaction. Perfect until you have written what you first desired. You will never be completely happy; instead, you must rest in the comfort of a job well done.

You're a writer. Go write, and stop fretting.

MARCH BOOK CLUB "The Maze Runner"

01 April 2014

This month's book club will include the reviews from Mr. Drew Carson and Miss Skylar Finn! I hope you enjoy our thoughts on "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner and I will leave a link to their blogs below. If you are interested in participating in the next book club or leaving reading suggestions, write a comment under this post with your email address and I will be in touch!

Drew: The Maze Runner is a great book. I thoroughly enjoyed it the first, second, and now the third time reading, which means that the author, James Dashner, did his job well. Most of all, I love the premise, the idea that a bunch of scientists would brainwash kids and put them in the middle of a giant maze. It’s just crazy, and had me wondering, what would I do if I were Thomas. How would I cope? The inhumanity of it all reminds me of the Hunger Games (although if you read the sequels, The Maze Runner Trilogy doesn’t seem quite as well thought-out). 
     The Grievers had me on edge the whole time, and I even got goose-bumps during the chapter where Thomas saves Alby. Unfortunately, it could have been a lot better. Dashner, it seems, got so excited with his idea that he dismissed any further plot and character-development efforts as superfluous and sat straight down to pound it out. Maybe it was deadlines, but the bottom line is, the main character didn’t have very much depth. But his memory was gone! True, but Dashner could have spent a little more time recording different angles of Thomas’ natural personality. The three existing angles were: his bravery (in the maze), his friendliness (with Chuck), and his tenacity (when sharing his ideas with other Gladers). Beyond that, any display of character was small enough to go unnoticed.      And the Gladers. Sometimes I felt like, aside from minor differences in language, they were interchangeable. I would have appreciated more personality distinction between Gally, Alby, Newt, Frypan, and so on. Chuck was the exception. He stood out from the group because of his innocent nature, and I really got a feel for who he was. At times, he was annoying, but not nearly as annoying as the pet-phrases I noticed Dashner using. The one that really bugged me was, “Despite his lack of memory, he was positive he’d just been through the most traumatic night of his life…” blah, blah, blah. I marked two instances of this, on the first page of Chapter 22 (loc. 1952 on a Kindle), and also three pages into Chapter 23 (loc. 2060).
      Keep in mind, though, that these two examples were not the first. Those were the first I marked because I was so bothered by the pattern. “Patterns, schmatterns,” you might say, and I would agree. Unless you’re reading this book with an author’s mindset, you probably won’t notice the things I pointed out. Which is okay. All things considered, it’s still a very entertaining read, and I never once got bored. If you haven’t read it, I would definitely recommend you try it out.

Skylar: Ahh The Maze Runner. How do I put my thoughts together into a semi-coherent thing that you all can actually read? First of all, I’d liked to say that I didn’t even know this book existed until I signed up for Karoline’s write-a-review. Apparently, it’s very popular. 

I loved the setting. The only other books that have such original setting and creatures, etc. are, to me, Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card. Maybe it’s just me, but I haven’t read a lot of books where the characters live in a terrifying maze. Dashner did an amazing job with the world-building! I could imagine everything in my head. But…Thomas didn’t click with me. I mean, he does amazing things and he has crazy bravery (or stupidity), but his whole attitude got on my nerves. He’s tactless and pushy. He also has a tendency to think that everybody should listen to him because he knows. On the other hand, he’s protective over the other people and he does take responsibility. And the way he takes care of a certain character convinced me that he wasn’t all annoying. The other characters were well written. Sometimes the emotions that were put with actions were a little weird but I connected to most of the characters. 

Characters are a huge thing for me. They are usually the most important part of a book and are what makes me keep reading. Honestly, the first half of The Maze Runner wasn’t all that exciting to me. The characters were good but not amazing. I was annoyed by the main character. It seemed to drag on for me and the things that kept me reading were the setting and the unanswered questions. Dashner is king of unanswered questions. Seriously, guys. But the second half of the book is what blew my mind. PLOT. THE PLOT. It twisted and turned. There was action. Things happened that I totally didn’t see coming. Questions were answered in the most shocking way possible. It was amazing. And the last page. That’s all I can say. Go read it, because the second half definitely makes up for the lag in the beginning. Besides, there’s a movie coming out.

My rating: 4/5 stars

Karoline: I agree with Drew and Skylar that Thomas wasn't the most likable character. This could be attributed to the fact that his memory his limited, which constricts a lot of depth that would normally flesh out someone. At times the other boys seemed so similar that it was easy to get them mixed up. Let me say, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed "The Maze Runner'. As someone who doesn't read much fantasy, especially modern fantasy, this book was surprisingly enjoyable. At times it felt like Dashner was pandering to the audience, though that could be due to the fact that this book was targeted towards younger teens rather than older teens. At times I found myself rolling my eyes and saying, "Yeah, we KNOW Thomas has lost his memory, you only mention on EVERY page!" The story, however, was intriguing and unique. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in trying something new. 

Be sure to check out Skylar's Blog and Drew's Blog!

Winter Favorites & Blog Makeover!

Whoa! If this is your first time visiting since the last 24 hours, things probably look a bit different around here. As you can see, I got a new blog template which I absolute adore and my trusty best friend Katherine kindly installed everything for me to make it look all cutesey and what not since, well...I know just as much about computers as I do about how to run a marathon! What do you think? Do you like the new layout? Is it easy to navigate? Let me know in the comments!

Beauty vloggers and bloggers are always doing those "favorites" tags where in which they proceed to taunt you with a serious of adorable products that are mostly out of your price range. Well, to Calormen with drooling in envy at your computer screen! Here are some of my winter favorites that shall appeal to any bookworm.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I'm only a few chapters into this book, but I'm already engrossed. And yes, the story is just as enticing at its title. Complete with magicians, dark secrets and rivalry, it's like a mystery adventure all in one. It's been a while since I read something so innovative and imaginative; it's definitely a good wintertime read.

Electric Blankets. Yes, you heard me. If you're going to be laying in bed reading until the wee hours of the morn, you need to do it without freezing your hiney off! Seriously, do yourself a favor and invest. There are few sensations more satisfying than entering an already warm bed...ah, excuse me while I take a little nap.

Pictures. "But why?" you may ask. This is the most wonderful time of the year, people! And while I do believe in putting the camera down so that you can really absorb your surroundings, don't forget to capture these moments so you have something to look back upon and smile when the spring semester steals away your holiday smile. Here's a little snippet of my Christmas break thus far :)
We took second place in the gingerbread house competition. (You can check out more pictures by clicking on my Instagram link to the left.)

And last, but most certainly not least...baked.goods. I'm a desert fiend. I would happily squander all savory victuals and exchange them for a never ending buffet of cakes and pies. Additionally, when you're reading, you need something to munch on! I would recommend warm chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked bread, or even homemade hot chocolate!

And now my dear reader, you are prepared to take on winter! Go and apply these life saving aids to your Holiday routine and see if you are not all the more prepared to have a fun-filled season of festive cheer. I hope you enjoyed this fun little post, and look forward to more thought-provoking ones in the future...maybe. ;)

Finals Week, Pentatonix, and Poetic Exploits: An Update

It's been quite a while since I did a "senior Sunday" post. Since the beginning of the semester, to be exact. *covers face*. But now that it's finals week and my last school day of the semester is on Tuesday (hyperventilates) I thought it was an appropriate time for a general update.

So, I'm officially halfway through senior year. I'm surviving my first college class math with more valor than I had anticipated, so wrapping up this first semester of college feels quite good. But whoever said senior year is the easiest year of high school was a big fat liar peanut. The best year it may be, but the easiest? *throws back head and laugh maniacally*. I'm thankful that I'll have almost a two month break, but those days will be filled with submitting college applications, writing essays, applying for scholarships, and mentally preparing myself for the fact that next year I will become a so called "adult." In the meantime, Christmas festivites like parties, gift exchanges, choir concerts, sweater buying binges, and a copious amount of the Pentatonix is keeping me sane and cheerful.

What's your favorite Christmas album this year? Aside from the Pentatonix's latest album, I still listen to Michael Buble quite a bit. :)

Also, I guess you could say I've been writing a lot more than normal, if you want to count sonnets into the category of what is productive. For the last few weeks, I've written about three poems a week and I'd like to think I'm starting to conquer my greatest literary mocker. Perhaps when I'm feeling brave, I'll post one on here.

Also, did you see the first chapter of my "new" book? ;) It's all explained in the post. Check it out here! Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.

How are you enjoying the Christmas season so far? I'm looking forward to having more blogging and reading time in the coming winter months. I guess I should get back to studying for tomorrow's final. *grins coyly* just ooooone more Gilmore Girls episode.

Happy Holidays!

Describe Your Face - Challenge

Creating visual descriptions is one of the most difficult and enjoyable parts of writing. Making someone else envision what's in your imagination with only the power of words is a talent not everyone has a knack for. There are ways to improve, however. For example, instead of simply saying, she has blonde hair and blue eyes, describing the twinkle in her eyes or matching the tint of her hair to something more specific like hay, can immediately make the description seem more life like. Here is where the challenge comes in!

I'm going to dedicate a paragraph to describing to you what my face looks like, and then at the bottom of this post I will include a picture of my actual face. Yes I realize that there is a profile photo of me on the right, but that was taken over a year ago and in extremely poor lighting circumstances. Then, in the comments, tell me if I wrote an accurate description or what else I might include to make it more thorough. After you've reviewed my post, do this challenge on YOUR blog, leave a link to the post in the comments, and we can all check it out! :D enjoy!

I have thick, auburn hair with hues of copper and sparse bits of blonde here and there. In certain lighting, it simply seems brown yet the sunlight reveals various shades of cinnamon and scarlet. My wavy mane sits at about chest length, and sweeping bangs sit near my ears. I've got freckles, lot's of em, yet they have become more subtle through the years. Light brown specks pepper my cheeks and they are softest underneath my eyes. My eyes are medium green with flecks of gold in the center. Though not as bright as summer grass, they are of the same hue and sometimes look golden in the sunlight. My lips are of medium of plumpness and have a habit of pouting themselves. Their natural shade is a, pink rose color, (though they are concealed with a softer gloss in the picture.) I'd say I have a cheerful countenance, for I don't even know how to turn my mouth into a frown and my eyes get those happy crinkles whenever I smile. My nose is rather long, slightly slanted, and is the largest, least charming feature on my face. Though you can't seem them in the picture, I have, big, white straight teeth (thanks to years of braces) and my firm cheeks seem always to be blushing.

And now, for the reveal...(keep in mind this a low quality photo so not all of the coloring is correct, but hopefully you will get the idea.)

I tag the following bloggers!

Of course, everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate!

Read My New First Chapter?

Those of you who have been around here for a while may remember when I uploaded the first couple chapters to my last complete project, "A Season in Summerton." And those of you who have been around more recently may have seen me expresses my exasperation at making that story a success, and how I'm trying to modernize the same tale. Well, I'm finally making progress! Your encouragement and support through these last few months of sparse blogging has been incredibly valuable, and it would make my day if y'all would peruse the new, and I'd like to think improved, first chapter of "A Season in Summerton." Please PLEASE leave your honest thoughts and comments below. I cannot improve without criticism, and I really do care about what y'all think. Thank you for your time and happy reading!

There hasn’t been a good looking or worthwhile guy seen in Summerton in over ten years. Of course, available men have passed through before, but none of them made me suddenly forget how to speak and/or form coherent thoughts, a raging epidemic I have had the guilty pleasure of seeing many of my friends fall prey to. But it’s not like I have their heads turning or anything. When it comes to the game of man catching, I certainly have my work cut out for me. For example last spring, a decent blonde bachelor with a well-to-do family settled in Summerton, and Cecilia Carmichael had him thoroughly secured in her clutches before you could say, “don’t throw yourself so hard at the men, you might trip and crack your face.”
Don’t ask me how.
The fact that Cecilia’s face might have been carved by angels might have had something to do with it, yet I prefer to think he saw something more in her than a pretty face. Her prospective inheritance laid away by her Mr. CEO father who I’m convinced hasn’t been seen wearing anything other than a suit since he was potty trained, could also have been what induced the new kid to propose to Cecilia at her high school graduation. It wasn’t like the boy was desperate. Just hours after his arrival he was awarded the secret and illustrious nickname of, “the local hottie,” and he had captured the interest of all the single females within ten square miles…which is all the females within ten square miles.
Yet I digress.
Where was I? Ah yes, the unconventional proposal. Even though I had been fairly expecting an equally moronic stunt, even I the cynical life-meddler did not foresee such a public popping of the question. For the rest of the summer nothing was spoken of but the cancelled wedding. Cecilia’s mother managed to assemble the ceremony of the century even on short notice and the local church was so swallowed up in decorations that we could scarcely find the front door. My attendance was strictly formal and by formal I mean that mother forced me to go after she reminded with teary eyes and a series of nostalgic nose blows how Cecilia and I had once sang a duet together in an elementary school performance.
Though I nodded as my mother relived that night in all its childish beautym the only part of that evening I remember was when Cecilia “accidentally” sang my final crescendo note for me. Such a tease, that Cecilia. Always accidentally stealing other people’s moments. Despite all that, I was eager to see how the wedding would play out for I had never attended one which had been formed under such adversely ridiculous circumstances. I had to stop myself from smiling when my predictions came true and the money grubbing suitor, whom shall remain nameless, made no appearance at the altar other than to publicly proclaim that he had made a mistake.
Gasps resonated through the small, historical chapel and I scrutinized the scene with sharp eyes that the unfortunately hysterical moment would never fade from my memory. That dude fled from the church and was never seen or heard from again, although he narrowly escaped a beating from Mr. Carmichael’s crew of body guards and a heel to the head which was weakly although passionately thrown from the sweaty palm of Mrs. Carmichael. The ultimate crown to the moment, however, was when the back of his suit jacket closed with the door on his way out, and we saw it suddenly vanish through the crack as he screamed in terror. Cecilia crumpled up into a pathetic little heap on the altar steps and I might have felt more sorry for her were it not for the Vera Wang veil surrounding her sobbing, trembling face. All I could think to myself was, “You could have fed a third world village with the cost of that veil…or had another cake at the reception. The choice is yours but I think you made a poor one.”
To a certain extent she resembled an over-glorified baby whose crying face shamed the extravagant dress on its body. She mourned like a proper widow for days, however, a leisurely getaway in Vegas with some of her cousins restored her even faster than the engagement had been made. She came back looking perhaps not quite as fresh faced as before, but certainly more rosy-cheeked.
            Despite past scandals, the prospect of a new single guy coming to town continues to create a hub amongst the female population. As such, when my best friend Katie Pearce came to report the arrival of Charles Turner, I, though excited, did not dare to hope for my own success.
It could be easily concluded from Katie’s description of his pretty face and even prettier family fortune that brazen flirting from every single woman within sight, would soon ensue. Our small town dates back to over one hundred years ago and lies where all the dreams which once existed gloriously in their dreamer’s imagination until they lost hope and deserted the notion: in East Texas.
The set apart atmosphere encouraged families to stick around for far longer than they were wanted and, consequently, we children have grown up together. And that’s really just a charming way of saying that we have dirt on everyone and are more familiar with the same group of people than we would prefer to be. Even though our mothers continue to conspire and speculate in secret, we all have given up hope of finding any worthwhile partner in Summerton. Even nosy Ms. Baines who knows the darkest secrets of everyone and their great grandmother, has given up home of match-making the youth of Summerton with one another.
            “Soooo….is he nice?” I asked, after Katie interrupted my study session under my favorite maple tree to enter into a ten minute pitch on why this guy who I have never met is the best thing to happen to this town to date.
            “Well, uh…” she laughed and I rolled my eyes, feeling fairly certain of what her giggles foreshadowed. “I haven’t exactly met him yet. Though I caught a glimpse of him whenever he was helping the movers unload the trucks in front of their house. They picked that old, abandoned one on Orchard Street you know, they want to fix it up. Anyhow, he had a pleasing smile and welcoming eyes…I think you and he would make a divine pair.”
            “Nonsense,” I scoffed, slamming my textbook shut and rather gratefully resigned to an afternoon of gossiping rather than studying. “If Cecilia Carmichael doesn’t have him irrevocably in love with her before I have a chance to meet him, you will.”
            “Of course I could make him fall madly in love with me.” Said she, with a wink and playful toss of the head. “But so could you, I would warrant. You always get on so well with the guys.”
            “That’s just my problem. Boys don’t look among their buddies for romance, that I have learned the hard way. No, this time around I intend to try something new.”
            “Oh?” Katie questioned with an upward flick of her dark, pointed brows. “I hope you don’t intend to snub all of us and everything you once adored for mere attention.”
            “Hardly! And whatever I do shall not be in the sheer pursuit of amusement alone. I have designed a social experiment, and Charles Turner sounds like just the proper proponent for my equation.”
            “And this ‘experiment’ as you put it is highly scientific, I am sure?”
            We both smiled.
            “You know I would work with nothing other than the latest and finest developments of science.”
            “But honestly Sofie,” she continued, “What do you intend to change? I’ve always relied on you being instable when it comes to consistency. I don’t know how I could cope with the thought of your every move and thought being intended.”
            “Now,” I reverently closed my eyes and shook back my auburn hair. “This change is not to take place around old friends like you. I merely mean to present myself differently to those whom I am meeting for the first time.”
            Katie slowly nodded, as though attempting to understand. My pink lips twitched when I suppressed a smile. “You, and I daresay everyone in town considers me to be, what we shall label as…bold.”
            “Outspoken,” Katie continued, touching the tips of her fingers as though counting. “Giggly,”
            “Prone to clumsiness,”
            “Alright, I get the idea.” I laughed. “But I mean to act completely different. No more of my uncalled for although hilarious monologues, or frequent bursts of laughter.”
            “It won’t be easy for you.”
            “I know.” For some reason that prospect only made me smile all the more. As I faced the setting sun which lowered behind the town square, I took my most heroic stance and stared determinedly with my hands placed firmly on my hips. “But that is what will make it a challenge. I’ve always longed to be one of those soft-spoken, doe-eyed kind of girls who seem to swiftly obtain the attention of whomever they place their affections upon.”
            “Well not all guys prefer the same type. What if Charlie or some other boy comes along who would prefer your true personality?”
            Raising one eyebrow I stared her down, and Katie’s luminous blue eyes danced in return. “Seeing as I’m eighteen years old and that still hasn’t happened, I doubt it will. I’m not feminine enough for most guys and it’s time I started acting my age regardless.”
            Observing the sun which swung low in the sky, we joined arms and started walking towards my house. A delicious breeze swirled through Arthur Goodall’s peach orchard and saturated our lungs with the fragrance of summer. Lush grass mushing beneath my bare feet proved to be one of those delightful sensations that never loses its charm, despite the passing years. When we reached my wrap-around front porch or the “veranda” as my grandmother continues to call it, I said, “I’d invite you to stay over for dinner, but mom has already invited guests.”
            No question is rude with old friends.
            “The Bromwells.” I rolled the name off my tongue like a bratty child being forced to apologize.
            Katie nodded and clasped her hands behind her back. “Yes, I have heard of their daughter Penny.”
            “Have you heard that she is nauseatingly giddy in addition to being quite the impressive flirt?”
            “Rumors have circulated. But they only moved her a few weeks ago, so I would not consider local gossip reliable.”
            “I’ll try to give her a chance to prove herself,” I huffed as though granting someone the liberty of a first impression was really stretching my limits. “But if what I’ve heard turns out to be true, this will not be an enjoyable meal.”
            Katie smiled and turned her feet like she was saying goodbye when she suddenly smiled and said, “The Turners, and now the Bromwells. Isn’t it weird?”
            “Isn’t what weird?” I yawned.
            “It’s been ages since anybody new has come to Summerton. I hope they turn out to be likeable people.”
            Patting her arm I replied, “That’s all we can really hope for, I suppose. Though I feel I’m not as excited by the prospect of a new “bachelor” as I should be.”
            “You never have been the giddy type.” She said, half admiringly, half reproachfully.
“I’m expecting you to keep me in line whenever we meet him.”
            “I will be the very model of sophistication, that you might mimic my graceful manners.” Like a pudgy ballerina I began dizzily twirling towards the front door as though dancing for an imaginary crowd.
            When Katie caught her laugher she wheezed, “Oh Sofie, the day when you are graceful and charming will be a far more headlining occasion that a good looking guy moving to town.”

            Our laugher rang and molded together like a familiar harmony. When it faded beyond the birdsong and rustling leaves she said, “I’ll see you later. Good luck with the dinner tonight.”      I closed one eye, stuck out my tongue, and made a gagging sound while pointing to my open mouth before walking inside where mom was frantically flying around the living room, fluffing pillows and demanding the food in the oven not to burn. 

I Don't Know What To Write Anymore

I used to write every day. I had a clear direction and concrete ideas...I knew what I was doing and everyday I would strive towards my goal. Yet now...I don't know what to write anymore. After completing my second novel which I was so proud of and realizing that the subject and setting weren't what today's publishers are looking for, I kind of lost direction. I'm still invested in that story and right now I have the idea to modernize it but it's so difficult to start again from scratch when I haven't been writing consistently in months. All the worries of senior year have been taking up so much of my time that it seems I don't have time to write anymore. But what's worse is that I don't know what to write because I don't have the same clear direction and ideas as I used to.

Have you ever felt this way? What do you do when you lose passion, or inspiration, or things don't go according to plan? Maybe I should start a new project, a different project that isn't writing a full-fledged book. I know that I have what it takes to succeed and be a writer, but it's never been so hard to get started.

I don't what to write anymore...what should I do?

Writing About People You Know

Oh, the constant struggle. It's tempting, satisfying, terrifying, and deliciously exciting all at the same time. I'm not sure that there is a convincing argument on either side of whether it's a good idea or not to write about people you know. All I can say is, you never know until you try and in my personal's been awesome. Of course, none of my works have been published yet, and that may very well have something to do with it. But as someone who always writes with publication in mind, I thought I would share a few tips with you if you are considering incorporating family members or friends into your stories.

First of all, if you are writing about someone you don't like or someone who has hurt you, for the sake of not seeming catty at least, DON'T make it obvious. Change their name, don't let your character have the same physical features as the person you know. And don't directly re write situations from real life. "Well where is the fun in writing about them?," you might say. The fun comes when you can take the hurt that they inflicted upon you, and make your hero or heroine experience it. Rather than directly recreating an insult or a particular scarring incident, make up a different situation that has the same outcome. That is, your villain who is based off of someone you know, inflicts the same pain you/your main character experiences, but in an entirely different way. That way, should the IRL person in question read your story, even if they have an inkling that it might be about them, they will have no proof to rub your nose or confront you about! It's really the perfect crime. You get to express how you feel to yourself, and the public, and the person who it's based off of may never find out! Oh the glory of fiction!

Also, if you are planning on basing a character directly off of someone you know, it's not a bad idea to ask that person if it's okay, or at least inform them about what you are doing. I'm assuming that if you are basing a character off of someone you know, they must be pretty cool and you probably like them and won't be writing any nasty stories about them. But if you know it will become obvious to that person who the character is based off of, inform that person about it before you let them read anything. Chances are, they will be flattered and excited to see how you interpret them into your story.

Have you ever written about people you know? Sometimes it can be subtle, and you incorporate character traits from several different friends into one person, or maybe you are taking the more classy form of revenge by basing your villain off of someone who has wronged you. I personally think writing about IRL people is fun, but it must be done in good taste. What are your thoughts?

Books and Candy "Halloween Tag"

1. Apples

Ah, healthy food. It is deep, meaningful, and probably won a lot of awards but, um, it really isn't your thing.

*sigh* here it goes..."The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green really didn't tickle my fancy as much I was hoping. From an objective point of view I can somewhat understand the hype but, really isn't my thing.

2. Milk Chocolate

This is the book that you'd recommend to absolutely EVERYONE.

Ugh! Are you kidding me?! There are so.many. But I'll go with one I haven't mentioned in a while: "The Great Gatsby." It's a classic for good reasons. And I firmly agree that everyone should read it. 

3. Black Jellybeans


I'll just go with the standard "Twilight." I feel as though our generation might have been saved much eye-rolling and personal embarrassment if those books had never made it to public shelves. 

4. Chocolate Kisses

Ah...this novel had the best romance. 

Is it possible to top the romance story in "Anne of Green Gables?" I mean, the author dragged us along for nearly three books before our fantasies came true. There is no sweeter love story than when best friends finally fall in love.

5. Gummy Spiders

Eek! You made sure to check under your bed every night before going to sleep.

Certain Sherlock Holmes stories along with "The Picture of Dorian Gray" made me hurriedly clamp them shut a few times when I realized that they weren't the best books to be reading in bed. 

6. Jumbo Lollipop

This took you forever to get through but hey! You did it!

"Les Miserables" took me several months to finish; it's nearly 1,000 pages. But I wouldn't mind reading it again; it's one of my favorites.

7. Cotton Candy

Admit it, you loved this book when you were younger, and probably still do. 

Again, there are oh so many it's difficult to choose. However, I must confess, I still find the "Junie B. Jones" series hilarious. I mean, who doesn't love her? She understand us, and did all the things which we secretly dreamed of doing but were never brave enough to attempt. :P

I saw this blog on nevillegirl, and themagicviolinst's blog! Let me know what you thought, and leave a link to your tag in the comments :)

An Open Letter To Over-Achievers

     Dear annoying girl/boy in class who nobody can stand and let me tell you why,

Perhaps you didn't know this, but it isn't necessary to answer a question just because you know the answer.


Yep, you heard me correctly. Chances are, if you would wait longer than half a second after the professor asks a question to either belt out the answer or raise your hand that is probably becoming of the other 20 to 30 people in the classroom would find it in their what you consider to be pea-sized brain to conjure up a possible right answer. I know, it's crazy, right? There you are, sitting in the front row all bright-eyed and bushy tailed where the instructor will be making eye-contact with you rather frequently and be able to hear you upon first utterance when you grace the classroom with your abounding wisdom for the twentieth time that hour. What you probably don't realize is that among the rows of chairs behind you are equally if not more capable peers who also know the answer, or who would at least like to have a chance to improve their participation grade. Yes, we all know that you are a wonderful little nerd and your parents must be oh-so-proud of that ever increasing 'A' grade of yours but did you ever stop to think that you aren't the only intelligent mortal in the classroom?

And another thing,

Nobody wants to know that you got a 100 on the first exam when half the class got C's. Sure, if a peer asks you in private there is no harm in being honest. But for the sake of your own like-ability don't be that National Merit Scholar kid who finds a way to worm their PSAT score in a typical conversation concerning how stupid last week's assignment was. For one thing, we already know you got a good score. Do you honestly think nobody noticed the teacher's smile when he handed you back your paper and the shocked smiles of those who sit near you? Yeah...think again, over-achiever.

There is no harm in being smart, or eager. I'm just saying, much like decaf coffee there is a time and a place to answer every single question and blab about how easy the assignment was for you: never, and in the trash.

Even if the assignment was a breeze for you and you can't comprehend why everyone else seems to be struggling so much, next time you find yourself caught up in one of those typical student conversations before the start of class, try dumbing yourself down a little for the sake of crossing a few enemies off your list. Find something that has been difficult or confusing for you and talk about it. Trust me, nobody is going to start thinking that you're stupid. Nobody is going to tattle to the professor that his favorite little gem of a student isn't perfect in and out of the classroom. The only outcome will be that people will like you a little more and here's a newsflash: it might even make the teacher like you a little more.

No teacher, no matter how smart the student may be, likes that kid who never messes up and has the social skills of an introverted eskimo.

Long story short, try keeping your success to yourself every now again, and you'll find the world a much nicer place.


     Your average classmates

Don't Follow Your Heart

Whoa, whoa, whoaaaaa. Did you read that title correctly? Uh-huh, you sure did. I think following your heart is one of the most dangerous things you can do, and let me explain what I mean by that.

Our emotions are often arbitrary, that is, very disconnected with our common sense, or knowledge of right and wrong. This is often why relationships continue for longer than they are supposed to. Even though the person in question knew they needed to let go, it was just too painful to do because of "love" and "feelings" and "emotions" and all that stuff that I sometimes think I could live without. In such cases, following your heart will lead you into even more pain. You have to do what you know is right, rather than what your poor, sweet, misguided little heart desires.

It's true with writing too, and probably most things in life, but especially writing.

You must write what needs to be said, and that might very well correlate to what you want to say, and that's awesome! You can't leave participles dangling around, or incorporate as many prepositional phrases as your heart desires. Writing requires a lot of discipline, and this often means denying our heart and pursuing what we know we must do.

What do you think? How do you agree or disagree with my rather radical claim? Let me know in the comments below!

20 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. How Tall Are You?

Five feet and seven inches!

2. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?

Um, I'm pretty good at accents and making funny voices? Sometimes people joke that I should look into voice-acting :P Who knows! Maybe someday...

3. What's your biggest blog related pet peeve?

When people have links that look super awesome and then don't work....*sniff sniff*

4. What is your biggest non-blog related pet peeve?

When people correct me when I'm on a roll or in the middle of a story and it TOTALLY wasn't necessary! Thanks for killing my vibe, yo....

5. What's your favorite song?

This question is like, beyond impossible. I'm sorry. 

6. What's your favorite Etsy store that isn't yours?

RoyaltySoaps! They make the most high-quality, beautiful soaps I have ever seen! You can check out their link here :)

7. What's your favorite way to spend your free time when you're alone?

I do admit, I rather enjoy singing at the top of my lungs when I have the whole house to myself. 

8. What's your favorite junk food?

Peanut butter pie! Good Lawd, have you had that stuff? It's the most delicious form of heart attack I've ever tasted!

9. Do you have a pet?

Yes! I have a six year old, tri-colored Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Beasley! He's the most adorable pooch in the world; I really should treat y'all to some pictures sometime :)

10. What is your favorite fiction book and favorite non-fiction book?

Favorite fiction book: Pride and Prejudice and favorite non-ficiton is probably Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis

11. What's your favorite beauty product?

Mmm...maybe mascara? Actually, no, that eyeybrow powder stuff. Cause honey, it don't matter how flawless your makeup be, if the eyebrows ain't on point, there just ain't no point in all that other makeup. #word. 

12. When were you last embarassed? What happened?

This is a difficult question for me because my life is basically one, long awkward moment. And some of them are way too complicated to explain. But yesterday at school, I was messing around with the camera on my ipod and when I inadvertently took a selfie, and some dude behind me laughed -_-. As if we don't all take selfies every now and again! Sheesh...

13. If you could only drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be?

 Probably coffee or root beer!

14. What's your favorite movie?

While I'm not certain that it's my favorite movie of all time, but I'll just say The Princess Bride because it's been a favorite of mine since I was a kid, and it never really stops being hilarious. 

15. What were you in highschool? Prom queen, nerd, valedictorian, cheerleader, loner, artist or prep?

Um, well I've been homeschooled since fourth grade, but I'm not really sure. So I took some of those BuzzFeed quizzes, and according to them, I'm the cheerleader or prep which, I kind of disagree with but, whatever ;P

16. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

London! No buts about it!

17. P.C or Mac?

Well, I currently have a pc, but I'd rather have a mac to be honest .

18. Last romantic gesture from a crush/date/boyfriend or girlfriend/spouse?

Um, I don't remember the most recent gesture my bf extended, but even though he hates reading, he's reading Pride and Prejudice because I told him it's my favorite book ever so...major points to him :)

19. Favorite Celebrity?

Emma Stone is the bomb diggity fo shizzles. She's a great actress, not to mention hilarious, and drop dead gorgeous. I want her hair!! The red hair...

20. What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?

Okay, I'm gonna just say it...Skylar Finn, you seem super dee duper dee awesome ;) Let's be pals!

Okay guys! Now y'all know a little bit more about me, and now it's your turn! Do this tag on your blog and comment below with the link :)

People Watching

I've always loved people watching. When I'm waiting in a silent classroom for the professor to begin his lecture, unlike most of my peers, I don't pull out my phone, I look at people. And I mean that in the most non creepy way possible. Rather than simply staring at the person sitting next to me I just glance around the room every so often and comprehend more faces each time. The people vary so much from age, race, gender and personal style. Instead of guffawing at the slightly overweight male dressed in scrubs with his curly fro pushed back by a headband...I speculate on why he might be where he is, or where he just came from.

There are an infinite number of possibilities.

Maybe he simply enjoys wearing scrubs to class. Or, perhaps his father is a nurse practitioner, and he is working for the family business while trying to earn a degree to become a nurse himself someday. Better yet, perhaps he volunteers part time in a hospital while going to school full time because he has compassion for the sick.

Try it sometime. Next time you are waiting in line at a grocery store, or are waiting for class to begin, or are riding in an airplane, put down your phone (or maybe even your book) and take a moment to observe the folks around you. You'd be surprised how much it sharpens your ability to invent more complex characters for your writing, or to simply grow accustomed to considering more possibilities about others.

It Would Seem I Am Very Sunshiney

Thanks to the the magic violinist for nominating me for this award! :D I'm not entirely sure what all this title entails, but being compared to one of our main life sources couldn't be an insult in any way, right? So, uh, thanks! I'm guessing ;)

Kate's Questions:

1. Would you rather drink a liter of your least favorite soda in one sitting or eat a pound of fudge of your least favorite flavor in one sitting?

I would definitely rather drink my least favorite soda, which is Dr. Pepper. ( I know, I know. Sue me.) I mean, either way I probably wouldn't feel too good, but I feel as though a pound of pure chocolate might not only make me feel awful, but clog up pretty much everything in my body for the next 24 hours. I should hope that Dr. Pepper might be easier to digest.

2. What book do you think is over-hyped?

I've said it once but I'll say it again...The Fault in Our Stars. I did not find it particularly moving, or clever, or life-changing. In short, I felt as though the story was trying to be deep, but it ended up not being so. Sorry (not sorry) It's a sensitive subject I try to stay away from :P

3. What book have you reread the most?

That's probably a tie between Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. Both are favorites, but I've probably finished Little Women more times because it's a slightly easier read. 

4. Movies or TV shows?

Yikes...that's so.difficult! Proooooobably movies because I find myself watching those more with friends, and there are only a couple of tv shows that can keep my interest. But the ones that I do watch, I enjoy a whole whole bunch. :) Some of my favorite shows include "Once Upon a Time", "Arrested Development" , "Lost" and "Psych"  

5. Binge watching or syndication?

Umm, I'd have to say both. When I'm really passionate about something, I will put forth the effort to begin a cause or raise awareness, but if someone more qualified comes along to take the reins, I will gladly hand them over and sort of watch from the sidelines. 

MYYYY Questions! 

1. What was your favorite movie you saw this summer?
2. If you had to eliminate one of your talents, which ability would you exchange it for?
3. Would you rather co-write a story with your favorite author, or spend a day in your favorite fantasy world?
4. Which book to movie adaption are you most excited for?
5. And finally, would you rather have a tiny dragon, or a tiny elephant? 

I nominate the following lucky recipients:

Drew Carson
Macy Thomas

Good luck guys and happy blogging!

Senior Sunday

Just in case you weren't aware, I'm a senior in high school. Yeah, I can't believe it either. Mostly because, I always thought that I would be really mature by this time and have my life figured out...ha, aren't expectations just HILARIOUS? Since people are always posting "senior sunday selfies" and everything related in between, I thought I would talk a little bit about my ensuing journey as a senior on my blog this year. Admittedly, it probably won't be a weekly feature, but it wouldn't hurt to try, now would it?

As most of you know, I'm homeschooled. (Nerd for life.) To be honest, I have really enjoyed being homeschooled for the past seven years and it's really weird to know that I'm almost done with my secondary education. Since I've completed most of my high school credits, this year I'm taking two dual credit classes at my local community college. Yep, I said college, people. Putting a happy-go-lucky homeschooler into the halls of a college is...interesting. For starters, navigating a parking lot full of people who are older than you whom would rather escape the parking lot asap than make sure they don't hit you is, invigorating, if not welcome. Also there are many people on campus

This semester, I'm taking college algebra and English Composition, which I am ecstatic to be studying. As an avid math-hater, the very sound of "college algebra" made me want to sweat, cringe, puke, and run away all at the same time. However as I discovered on my first day of class last Tuesday, this course isn't nearly as intimidating as it sounds. It's all algebra 2 stuff (so far), so it's stuff that everybody in the class is familiar with, (at least I should hope so).

After that, I squirm may through the hallways and make my way to English class. Even though I have attended two classes so far, I still get confused as to where my classroom is. "Let's see, I go up and the stairs and then I go forward or it back? Left or right? I can't remember..." Needless to say, I have often had to circle the entire floor a couple of times to find my classroom. Even though we haven't really done much work yet, my Professor seems enthusiastic about writing and I'm looking forward to learning.

It's weird being the youngest person in all my classes, but also kind of super awesome. It makes me feel like a smarticle particle when I'm am put on the same educational pedestal as people in their twenties and thirties.

Anyways, we'll see how this year progresses but so far, so good and I'm loving being a senior. :) I'm like the top dog, dawg. Bascially...

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Thank you, Kate for nominating for this award! :D


Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
List the rules and display the award.
Share seven facts about yourself.
Nominate some other amazing bloggers and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.


#1: I have never flown in a commercial airplane, only private ones.

#2: I have average-to-larger feet and very small hands. Sometimes I feel like a disproportionate monkey.

#3: My favorite food is sushi and no, I am NOT ashamed.

#4: If for some reason becoming an author didn't work out for me, I think I would pursue some task that requires comedic skills like maybe acting, or script-writing.

#5: I've always wanted to invent a candle that smells like a bookstore by combining the aroma of parchment with coffee.

#6: I was once chased by a donkey through the snow on a late winter's night. I invite you to draw your own conclusions.

#7: And finally, I have never been to Boston in the fall. (10,000,000 point to you if you know what that is from.)

I now nominate the following inspiring bloggers!

Drew Carson from
Maria from

Go forth then, my little blogglings! For you have been counted "inspirational"! :)

The Bookshelf Tag

So, as far I know, I haven't been "tagged" in this post but when I saw it floating around...I just couldn't resist. :D I adore books and I love me a good tag so I think it's only fair that I participate. Psst, also I will tag five people at the bottom of this post...check to see if I tagged you so that you can spread the love!

1. Is there a book that you really want to read but you haven't because you know that it'll make you cry?

Okay I don't reeeeeeally want to but I was sort of curious to read The Boy in Striped Pajamas...that is until, I watched the movie, and swiftly realized it was the saddest story ever created.

2. Pick a book that helped introduce you to a new genre.

The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie sparked my interest for mystery novels. 

3. Find a book that you want to re-read.

First of all, I love how this question says "find" as if it is a major breakthrough when a bookworm wants to re read one of their favorites. :P If anything, I'd say I'm guilty of too much re-reading. But, one of these days I think I want to re-visit East of Eden by John Steinbeck again. *whispers* so good!

4. Is there a book series you read that you wished you hadn't?

No. The answer is simply no. And if there are any books that I regret reading, they certainly didn't come in a series. I feel like after developing a distaste for book number one, I would not continue to read the books which follow...ya feel meh?

5. If your house was burning down and your pets and family were safe, which book would you run back inside to save?

Thankfully I have the entire Jane Austen in collection in one, big fat book so, I wouldn't definitely grab that one. Not only does it contain my favorite story of all time, but there are like, seven others to read so I would have a worthy beginning for re-starting a library. 

6. Is there one book on your book shelf which brings back fond memories?

To be honest, nearly all the books on my bookshelf do! And I don't think I would want it any other way. However, I must say that Les Miserables by Victor Hugo always brings a smile to my face. I received the book a couple Christmases ago just around the time that the movie came out. Reading it over the ensuing winter months was a cozy, delightful experience and the book is now among my favorites. 

7. Find a book that has inspired you the most.

To me, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis just breathes inspiration. Everything about the characters and the story and the amazing history of the world which lies beyond the wardrobe it's just, just...ah! So beautiful; it not only invigorates my imagination, but inspires me to write something equally grand. 

8. Do you have any autographed books?

Well, considering that all my favorite authors are That would be kind of awkward. Just a little bit. 

9. Find the book that you have owned the longest.

I am proud to say that that would be Anne of Green Gables, my most favoritest of series. When I was about seven, a family friend was cleaning out her bookshelf (a chore I hope I never have to face) when she gave me the series. Though the books were old when I received them, some of the covers are now missing because I have read them so often. Whoops.

10. Is there a book by any author which you never imagined you would read or enjoy?

I'd have to say, The Hunger Games. To be honest, I read the book out of the faint desire to please my friends and my even fainter curiosity. To my surprise, I was hooked instantly and I found myself intrigued enough to finish the whole series. Well, I didn't actually finish Mockingjay, but that's a rant for a later post.

I hope you enjoyed this tag! It was a blast for me to do and therefore I shall nominaaaaaate, The Idea Catcher, The Magic Violinist, The Psuedo-Intellectual, My Oddly-Shaped Thought Cloud and Life of a Random! Can't wait to see your posts :D  

Surprise, I'm Back! (What I've Been Doing, and Where I Have Been)

Wow. It's been a ridiculously long time and that is simply unacceptable. I can't believe I have practically let my lovely little blog deteriorate over the summer, and missed out on so many of my favorite blog posts. I truly am sorry to have gone away for so long but I'm here to tell you that not only am I back, but I'm here to stay. :)

So, what have I been doing? Well, it may not sound like much, but I've been working (sometimes full time) registering for school, travelling and unfortunately, dealing with some personal issues. I can't remember a time in my life (much less, a summer in my life) , where I have written and read so little. It's taken a toll on my creative fire and I've been feeling drained for a while. Yet now that I have quit my job and am enrolled in college courses, I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm getting back into the swing of things. :)

My goal this year to read two books every two weeks (making exceptions for the especially long ones.) :) I'd like to be reading one classic book and one modern book at a time. I've confessed on this blog multiple times before that I am guilty of indulging primarily in the classics. And while I continue to believe that the classics are the best, I know that in order to write a story that will appeal to contemporary audiences, I need to know what is popular on the current literary market. Also, you may remember my latest project, A Season in Summerton. Set in the Victorian era, it was a romantic comedy which I had been working on for about a year or so. Although I am incredibly proud of how my writing technique and character development skills have advanced...I currently feel as though that story does not have much to offer the modern society of readers. I won't give up on it completely. I fully intend to revisit the project and maybe even explore e-publishing. Yet for now...I am thrilled about a new novel idea!

You guys, I never thought the day would come but writing a modern fantasy novel! Shocking, I know. ;) The details are still a little hazy, but my goal is to have the first draft done by 2015. The story  I have conjured up not only satisfies my own senses, yet I feel as though it contains that seductive spark that so many of the fantasy bestsellers have. Well,  here's hoping anyways.

I intend to not only update you on the progress of my new book, but on my reading and daily observations as well. :) The weekly, posts are BACK people! And I also mean to begin keeping up with all of your blogs as well in the meantime. I've missed you guys! I'd love to hear how your summers went. I certainly hope it has contained more productive writing time than mine...please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Do I Have Enough Experience?

It happened again. More rejections. Even more than last time. And this is the second time around. I've written something new, fresh and what I thought was altogether better quality. So why is the interest so slim? This was supposed to be it. My big break. My chance to start a fresh. Sure, there were some who showed interest in my previous project but, that fell through. And now, I'm starting to wonder...

Do I have enough experience to write something worth reading? Hear me out...

I'm 17 years old and I would venture to say that while my life thus far has been full of love, laughter and mini adventures along the way...I have yet to gain enough life-experience under my belt to provide me with any material that would rock the literary world. I'm currently re-reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett, a novel I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Although Ms. Stockett wrote about an era she didn't live in, she wrote about what she knew. She grew up in Jackson Mississippi and most likely gained the material which is in her book by hearing these stories and observing the history of her town. She wrote a book that is now dear to the American people by writing about something that is dear to her. And that is just my concern.

At this time in my life, what do I have to write about that is so dear to me? Writing, writing is dear to me. Great, I can't exactly write about how much I love writing. Though there are full-fleshed characters in my head and countless plot lines I am beginning to I old enough or wise enough to really have anything helpful to say?

I'm not saying I'm giving up but I might be saying that...the timing could be bad.

What do you think? Is it better to attempt publishing now, simply write down my ideas and save them for later, or live my life and re-visit the whole, "writing career" thing in ten years?

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Literary Couples

   I saw a post on the Book Chewers blog about their favorite literary couples and naturally, it got me thinking about mine. Though our favorite fiction is no doubt filled with fantastic adventures we will only ever dream of going on and tear jerking tragedies, perhaps most of all, these beloved stories tend to warm our hearts with love stories so perfect...they could only be found in novels. ;) Therefore, it goes without saying that these famous couples deserve some recognition and maybe we can look into their journeys of romance to learn why they captured our hearts so quickly.

     I'll start with an old, obvious and yet altogether lovely one: Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.

     Say the words "Mr. Darcy" and every classy female within earshot shall begin swooning while the surrounding men exchange confused and perhaps frightened, glances. If you ask me, Mr. Darcy isn't necessarily the whole enchilada on his own but that's ok! Because he and Lizzy together make an undoubtedly perfect match. Why, you ask? Because it's true that opposites attract. While they are both strong-willed, opinionated and terribly judgmental at times...their opposing personalities mesh like puzzle pieces. Optimism vs. pessimism. Laughter vs. sobriety. And romance vs. practicality. They end up together against all odds, and it is the vast amount of obstacles that stand between them, which make us root for their union all the more.

     You can't help but love Anne and Gilbert.

As individual humans, they are quirky and captivating. And when together, their carefree friendship sails so beautifully that it's blatantly obvious to the reader that they were meant to be. I think perhaps the best thing about Anne and Gilbert is that their love story isn't dramatic or full of passion. Like so many relationships in real life, their friendship gradually grows into something more and the transformation is so natural that you can't really pinpoint when it began. They are best friends who happen to love each other. What more could anyone wish for?

    And finally, a couple that never really happened, yet remains transfixed in my heart nonetheless, Laurie and Jo.

Ah! I've read the book multiple times and yet I'm still convinced that Jo and Laurie should have been together. (Personally, I think it shows that the author has poor match-making skills. ;) Two comrades who couldn't be more comfortable around each other, they share their deepest secrets and fight like a brother and sister. Throughout it all, they cared for one another deeply, even though Jo never loved Laurie the way he wanted her to. They got along so beautifully and had everything in common. SO WHY THE HECK DIDN'T THEY END UP TOGETHER LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO?! Geez...ok, I'm done.

I'm curious to hear about your favorite couples from literature. Be sure to share in the comments below. :)

Summer Book Club!

Wow you guys. I have seriously been slacking on the blogging lately. But between work and school and all the fun things life throws at you in between, sometimes these finer pleasures can be neglected. HOWEVER, I have formed a plan to keep us engaged throughout the summer and that is to bring back one of my favorite features I have ever brought to my blog and that is...the online book club!

So far, we have read These Broken Stars as chosen by my readers and The Maze Runner as chosen by me. This time around I want YOU to suggest books from which I will choose our book for this summer. Ideally, I would like to have our book picked out by the end of the June ,so keep the suggestions coming until then!

Just like with the two previous endeavors, I will also select two willing bloggers to share their reviews with me to be posted on my blog whenever the post goes up, probably in August. Yet this venture won't be much fun without participants so my charge to you is that if you are interested in partaking in the blogging or even if you would just like to read along, share this event to your blog!

I can't wait to get back into the groove of things and to unite once more under our common love of literature. :) I am open to any suggestions so feel free to comment below or email me at: if you are interested in blogging with me! Happy summer and happy reading, guys!

Query Letter Help!

Hey you guys! So, I'm making the common although still terrifying step of preparing a query letter for my latest project! I know that I have read many of your query letters and that we all have a little bit of exposure now so if you don't mind, perhaps ya'll could take a little look at some of the samples I have below and give me your thoughts! I have two different summaries below, each for my latest novel, A Season in Summerton. Thank you so much for your feedback, and don't forget to comment below. :)

"Sofie King isn’t like the other girls. Brazen and ambitious, Sofie has always been too busy cracking jokes and pursuing her dreams to take notice of the men around her. That all changes however, when seemingly perfect Charles Turner moves to Summerton and attracts the attention of every surrounding available female, including Sofie. As she opens a new chapter in her life, Sofie is faced with the decision of preserving old friendships or chasing after the one who has claimed her affections unlike any other. Through death, new relationships and old mistakes, Sofie King makes the journey from childhood into adulthood along side her brother, old friends and her new-found love interest."


"18 year old Sofie King has always been too busy cracking jokes and pursuing her dreams to take any notice of the men around her. That all changes when Mr. Charles Turner arrives in the small town of Summerton, in all his good looks and good graces. But Charles is everything desirable and not all at all the sort of fellow who would ever glance twice at a silly and unconventional girl like Sofie. Between death, heartache and laughter along the way, Sofie King must learn to navigate the waters of affection while maintaining old friendships and forming new ones."

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Happy blogging, friends!

Something I Said

This is something I wrote about words a long time ago. I thought I would share it with you, to see how many writers would agree with me. 

     Words are more than just a means of communication. Words can finalize, enact, initiate, create, provoke and astound. Though both the spoken and the written word is in itself an art form, it can perhaps better than all the others, describe and do justice to its fellow creations. Love and laughter are induced first by the workings of the tongue, while hate and betrayal are never certain without a few scribblings or sayings. It’s one of the rare things that every human can understand, yet it goes without saying that not everyone fully appreciates its power. 
     Music, art and dance, many marvel at, yet so few speak those languages and converse with it themselves. Like a child receiving their first piano lesson or dance shoes, everyone to an elementary extent at least, knows some of the majesty of language. For those who take an interest in something else, they only know they cannot exceed without either the written or spoken word. They consider it as essential as a bodily limb or daily victuals, often taking it equally for granted.
      Yet for the wordsmith and the writer, words are ravenously sought after as a means and gift to express themselves by the medium which they first learned. Be it to relieve an unspoken struggle or to gift to the world a story, thought or victory which would be so much sweeter shared. Words are immortal. The need for them will both literally and artistically always required. The meaning behind a piece of music or a well-crafted sculpture can easily be forgotten or warped by sad interpretation without word to confirm, deny or explain.
      And it goes beyond necessity.
      Emotions are guided by them, and the greatest moments and milestones could not occur without them. Of course, a well-executed action, laugh or look might more effectively convey, yet those mere deeds mean nothing without prior speech. Words woo the woman and affirm the man. They make a hazy thing certain, destroy what is already crumbling and complete a hope which was once mere. Spoken, written or signed, words acknowledge beauty, verbally spit upon wrong and sometimes cry better than tears.

     Words are life. To go without would be to perish. With them, the blind see, the deaf hear and the mute communicate. For the average man or woman, they are a nice necessity. And for the artist, they are a gift to humanity. Words preserve moments that deserve to be remembered, voice the things we feel and make a picture.
      Words are wonderful, you see. But more than that, they have power. A power that cannot be casual, and that is why the wordsmith cannot lightly employ them. For with words, one can wreak more calamity than what is imaginable and with words, we can breathe life into the dying and remember the dead. 

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below! :)

Do Your Words Mean Anything?

People often say, "words are cheap". To a petty and often conversational extent, this saying holds true. A girl will spew out compliments she doesn't really mean in order to appear kind. A boy will whisper sweet phrases into the ear of his sweetheart that soon reveal themselves to be sweet nothings. Every day, people make promises they never keep.

These sort of bad habits lead us to believe that words don't mean anything. They're empty; they're just words. And while some may abuse the great gift of speaking and communicating in this fashion, it is our job as writers to mean what we say.

When you write a story, don't form your phrases to make yourself sound intelligent. Say something hard hitting, that will get the point across. As you form an intricate plot line for your story, don't simply crank out a book to sell. Speak about something you feel passionately about. Tell a story because it needs to be heard. Maybe you learned a valuable lesson and you feel the need to share it. Whatever your motive, make sure it is noble and that your words actually mean something.

In a fallen world where the gift of words is so often abused, spat upon and stomped on, it is our task as writers to take back the privilege of written communication and use it to uplift others. Don't write to simply thrill your reader for a short period of time. That would be just as shallow as the sly, charming boy who tells you he loves you and then slams the door in your face. Rather, tell a story to heal a wound, teach a lesson or share an important story.

Whatever you do, mean what you say.

My 100th Post!

You guys...THIS IS MY 100TH POST ON MY BLOG!!! :D Are you excited? You should be. Cause if you're not, you can just leave....just kidding! Actually, yeah, no party poopers allowed. The door is right above you, if you want to click that little 'x' button on your open tab.

I don't really have anything super monumental or exciting planned for this post. But if it's okay with you, I thought I would just share a little bit of my blogging experience with you. About a year and a half ago, on December 31st, 2012, I uploaded my first blog post with the intention of uploading a new post every week. For the most part, I maintained that resolution fairly well. Not to mention it was easy to do as I became more and more interested in the great wide world of bloggity blogs.

By posting weekly (or, almost weekly) I have received helpful, thoughtful comments from many of you guys. When I began uploading work from my previous novel, your treasured feedback came pouring in and it was some of the best encouragement I have received. I've found other small bloggers, and fellow teen writers as well. It's wonderful to see people my age who share my passion and get excited about the same things I do.

Overall I'm glad I joined this place, and I hope to be a part for a while yet. :)

Happy blogging!

Sometimes, You Have to Settle

If you are a writer, you will never be 100% satisfied with the work that you produce.
I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but deadlines and work plans are necessary because if you plan on polishing your novel until you are completely happy with are never going to see it published.
 Maybe you've already figured this out, but if you haven't, you may just want to let this reality sink in for a minute.

You can't afford to write until you are totally pleased. You have good instincts and you've thoroughly researched the current literary market and are well aware of what it requires to crank out a bestseller.

Put your skills and creative incentive to use and WRITE something. Write to tell a story that needs to be heard. Write to make a difference. Write to employ your gift for the craft that is words.

Those should be your only goals, really. Perhaps there have been great writers who have written solely to satisfy their ego...but they were great. You and I are still learning. And that's why we have to maintain a goal in mind.

If you want to see an idea of yours out on bookstore shelves before you die...get writing and do the best you can. Produce something you can take pride in. Even geniuses find fault in their masterpieces. But we shouldn't strive for perfection. We should strive to create something that will entertain, last and impact.

The only thing you should let yourself settle on, is your own satisfaction. Perfect until you have written what you first desired. You will never be completely happy; instead, you must rest in the comfort of a job well done.

You're a writer. Go write, and stop fretting.

MARCH BOOK CLUB "The Maze Runner"

This month's book club will include the reviews from Mr. Drew Carson and Miss Skylar Finn! I hope you enjoy our thoughts on "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner and I will leave a link to their blogs below. If you are interested in participating in the next book club or leaving reading suggestions, write a comment under this post with your email address and I will be in touch!

Drew: The Maze Runner is a great book. I thoroughly enjoyed it the first, second, and now the third time reading, which means that the author, James Dashner, did his job well. Most of all, I love the premise, the idea that a bunch of scientists would brainwash kids and put them in the middle of a giant maze. It’s just crazy, and had me wondering, what would I do if I were Thomas. How would I cope? The inhumanity of it all reminds me of the Hunger Games (although if you read the sequels, The Maze Runner Trilogy doesn’t seem quite as well thought-out). 
     The Grievers had me on edge the whole time, and I even got goose-bumps during the chapter where Thomas saves Alby. Unfortunately, it could have been a lot better. Dashner, it seems, got so excited with his idea that he dismissed any further plot and character-development efforts as superfluous and sat straight down to pound it out. Maybe it was deadlines, but the bottom line is, the main character didn’t have very much depth. But his memory was gone! True, but Dashner could have spent a little more time recording different angles of Thomas’ natural personality. The three existing angles were: his bravery (in the maze), his friendliness (with Chuck), and his tenacity (when sharing his ideas with other Gladers). Beyond that, any display of character was small enough to go unnoticed.      And the Gladers. Sometimes I felt like, aside from minor differences in language, they were interchangeable. I would have appreciated more personality distinction between Gally, Alby, Newt, Frypan, and so on. Chuck was the exception. He stood out from the group because of his innocent nature, and I really got a feel for who he was. At times, he was annoying, but not nearly as annoying as the pet-phrases I noticed Dashner using. The one that really bugged me was, “Despite his lack of memory, he was positive he’d just been through the most traumatic night of his life…” blah, blah, blah. I marked two instances of this, on the first page of Chapter 22 (loc. 1952 on a Kindle), and also three pages into Chapter 23 (loc. 2060).
      Keep in mind, though, that these two examples were not the first. Those were the first I marked because I was so bothered by the pattern. “Patterns, schmatterns,” you might say, and I would agree. Unless you’re reading this book with an author’s mindset, you probably won’t notice the things I pointed out. Which is okay. All things considered, it’s still a very entertaining read, and I never once got bored. If you haven’t read it, I would definitely recommend you try it out.

Skylar: Ahh The Maze Runner. How do I put my thoughts together into a semi-coherent thing that you all can actually read? First of all, I’d liked to say that I didn’t even know this book existed until I signed up for Karoline’s write-a-review. Apparently, it’s very popular. 

I loved the setting. The only other books that have such original setting and creatures, etc. are, to me, Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card. Maybe it’s just me, but I haven’t read a lot of books where the characters live in a terrifying maze. Dashner did an amazing job with the world-building! I could imagine everything in my head. But…Thomas didn’t click with me. I mean, he does amazing things and he has crazy bravery (or stupidity), but his whole attitude got on my nerves. He’s tactless and pushy. He also has a tendency to think that everybody should listen to him because he knows. On the other hand, he’s protective over the other people and he does take responsibility. And the way he takes care of a certain character convinced me that he wasn’t all annoying. The other characters were well written. Sometimes the emotions that were put with actions were a little weird but I connected to most of the characters. 

Characters are a huge thing for me. They are usually the most important part of a book and are what makes me keep reading. Honestly, the first half of The Maze Runner wasn’t all that exciting to me. The characters were good but not amazing. I was annoyed by the main character. It seemed to drag on for me and the things that kept me reading were the setting and the unanswered questions. Dashner is king of unanswered questions. Seriously, guys. But the second half of the book is what blew my mind. PLOT. THE PLOT. It twisted and turned. There was action. Things happened that I totally didn’t see coming. Questions were answered in the most shocking way possible. It was amazing. And the last page. That’s all I can say. Go read it, because the second half definitely makes up for the lag in the beginning. Besides, there’s a movie coming out.

My rating: 4/5 stars

Karoline: I agree with Drew and Skylar that Thomas wasn't the most likable character. This could be attributed to the fact that his memory his limited, which constricts a lot of depth that would normally flesh out someone. At times the other boys seemed so similar that it was easy to get them mixed up. Let me say, however, that I thoroughly enjoyed "The Maze Runner'. As someone who doesn't read much fantasy, especially modern fantasy, this book was surprisingly enjoyable. At times it felt like Dashner was pandering to the audience, though that could be due to the fact that this book was targeted towards younger teens rather than older teens. At times I found myself rolling my eyes and saying, "Yeah, we KNOW Thomas has lost his memory, you only mention on EVERY page!" The story, however, was intriguing and unique. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in trying something new. 

Be sure to check out Skylar's Blog and Drew's Blog!
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