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Sometimes, You Have to Settle

09 April 2014

If you are a writer, you will never be 100% satisfied with the work that you produce.
I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but deadlines and work plans are necessary because if you plan on polishing your novel until you are completely happy with are never going to see it published.
 Maybe you've already figured this out, but if you haven't, you may just want to let this reality sink in for a minute.

You can't afford to write until you are totally pleased. You have good instincts and you've thoroughly researched the current literary market and are well aware of what it requires to crank out a bestseller.

Put your skills and creative incentive to use and WRITE something. Write to tell a story that needs to be heard. Write to make a difference. Write to employ your gift for the craft that is words.

Those should be your only goals, really. Perhaps there have been great writers who have written solely to satisfy their ego...but they were great. You and I are still learning. And that's why we have to maintain a goal in mind.

If you want to see an idea of yours out on bookstore shelves before you die...get writing and do the best you can. Produce something you can take pride in. Even geniuses find fault in their masterpieces. But we shouldn't strive for perfection. We should strive to create something that will entertain, last and impact.

The only thing you should let yourself settle on, is your own satisfaction. Perfect until you have written what you first desired. You will never be completely happy; instead, you must rest in the comfort of a job well done.

You're a writer. Go write, and stop fretting.

1 comment:

  1. So true! I have trouble with this myself--not as bad as I used to, but still--and it can be pretty crippling.
    Great post (:


Sometimes, You Have to Settle

If you are a writer, you will never be 100% satisfied with the work that you produce.
I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but deadlines and work plans are necessary because if you plan on polishing your novel until you are completely happy with are never going to see it published.
 Maybe you've already figured this out, but if you haven't, you may just want to let this reality sink in for a minute.

You can't afford to write until you are totally pleased. You have good instincts and you've thoroughly researched the current literary market and are well aware of what it requires to crank out a bestseller.

Put your skills and creative incentive to use and WRITE something. Write to tell a story that needs to be heard. Write to make a difference. Write to employ your gift for the craft that is words.

Those should be your only goals, really. Perhaps there have been great writers who have written solely to satisfy their ego...but they were great. You and I are still learning. And that's why we have to maintain a goal in mind.

If you want to see an idea of yours out on bookstore shelves before you die...get writing and do the best you can. Produce something you can take pride in. Even geniuses find fault in their masterpieces. But we shouldn't strive for perfection. We should strive to create something that will entertain, last and impact.

The only thing you should let yourself settle on, is your own satisfaction. Perfect until you have written what you first desired. You will never be completely happy; instead, you must rest in the comfort of a job well done.

You're a writer. Go write, and stop fretting.

1 comment :

  1. So true! I have trouble with this myself--not as bad as I used to, but still--and it can be pretty crippling.
    Great post (:


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