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Waiting - A Writer's Nightmare, or Secret Best Friend?

26 August 2013

Writers do a lot of waiting. Some of it can't be avoided, while other times it's just procrastination or foolishness. For example, waiting for inspiration or the cool winds of autumn to tingle your artistic senses before writing, is a dumb idea.

But sometimes, life throws things at us that we just can't avoid, and you find yourself waiting. Maybe you'll start another writing project in the process, while the finished (or mostly finished) manuscript on your computer is just staring at you from the desktop. A few months ago, I submitted my novel to a writing contest and had to wait three weeks for a response. Sure, it was uncomfortable, but I got over it.

Currently, though, I'm experiencing a far more agonizing, although more type of exciting waiting. Perhaps I have mentioned before, that a few months ago I sent out queries to various agents. Three weeks ago, one of them replied, asking to see the entire manuscript. Obviously, I was over the moon. So before sending the entire book, I researched the agent one more time since I hadn't done so in a while. Aaaaaand it turns out, the woman who responded, is pretty gosh darn famous in the writing industry, and has published some iconic novels that have been made into movies. Yeah, I did a little happy dance when I discovered that. Okay, maybe a big happy dance. But who could blame me? When I mentioned the name to a few writer friend's of mine, they're eyes widened and they said, "Oh really? She's the real deal, you know."

Notwithstanding the fact that I know my story is currently being read with a critical and professional eye, I find it difficult to wait for a reply. Honestly, I wish they could just send me little emails every now again saying, "Just read chapter four, I like what I see so far!" But unfortunately, the world does not revolve around moi. *sigh*

Waiting isn't a bad thing. In fact, for us writers who tend to observe words all day via reading and writing, sometimes it's a good thing to stand back and take a break. When I finished the first draft of my novel, I printed it out, and left the copy in my closet for a few weeks before editing it again. And even during this time although I'm checking my email every half hour like a freak, I know this is giving me some time to breath and write like a clueless kid again. Lately, I've just been spitting out words on blank documents, and it feels great. So I would encourage you to do the same.

How has waiting benefited you? Or, how did you cope with it? Let me know in the comments!

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Character Intro: Meet Sir Lyle

19 August 2013

This is the second installment of Character Introduction Week. This week I am introducing you to another one the main characters, Sir Lyle.

I suppose I should start from the beginning, since I have been ordered to introduce myself to all of you. As a whole I enjoy people and am not nearly as frightened as my friend Rosy was. My name is Sir Lyle Weston, I was born in Alavare but spent most of my growing up years in Zadith. I'm in my early twenties now, but despite our age gap the king of Alavare is one of my greatest friends. He summoned me to the castle shortly after his wife's absence was discovered and I hope to aid him in anyway I can. It is a queer tragedy though, one which I hardly know how to empathize with.

Dear Rosalina on the other hand, has made me feel incredibly welcome as well as useful. She is lovely and intuitive, I keep forgetting she is only a servant! To be honest, I had hoped to rekindle a friendship with Prince Harry, but he seems more sullen than I can recall. I can't say I will be envying you when ever you get a chance to meet him. He's not terribly talkative, although he has a cunning wit. But that is besides the point.

There isn't much to know about me other than I enjoy fencing, hunting and political affairs. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a rather odd place, for I was deemed "Sir" by the king of Zadith, and now I am aiding the king of Alavare. Since I view both men as my friends, I see no cause for compromising allegiance. I'm thinking of talking to Rosalina about it; she always seems to have an answer for everything.

Well, I fear I must depart from this lovely conversation, for King Roldan has noticed my absence it seems. But we shall seem more of one another within in the week. Thank you for making me feel so welcome!

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Judging a Book by Its Cover...And Its Title

15 August 2013

Everyone says not to judge a book by its cover, yet we all do it. (Yes,
I'm looking at YOU). We also judge books by their titles. Why else would
we pick up a book? Unless someone recommended it to you, there usually
isn't another reason (unless you're lying or you had some spontaneous urge
to pick up a book at random).
That's why I'm here to help you. Your book needs an awesome cover
and title if it's going to survive in the book world. But how do you come up
with an awesome cover and title? There are a few ways.

Ask Yourself a Few Questions

1. Is your title unique? Do a quick Google search for your title. If
more than ten books show up with the exact same title as yours, you need to
choose something else, otherwise your book will get lost in the shuffle.

2. Is it cool? Which book are you more likely to pick up: The Day a
Purple Squirrel Ate My Brains or something vague like The Shadow? It
needs to be catchy, it needs to be memorable, it needs to be cool.

3. Does it put an image into your head? When you hear something,
an image automatically appears in your mind. When you say your title out
loud, what do you think of? Is the picture clear or kind of fuzzy around the
edges? A good title is the start of a good book cover, so make sure it's a
great one.

Cover Time

Take a look at your favorite books from the genre you write in. What
do their covers look like? Are they realistic or cartoony? Simple or
extravagant? Are the covers busy and bright or is there just one image on the
front, maybe a pair of socks or a cat? Study those covers carefully and
follow these steps to create your own cover.

1. Find a picture
Make sure the picture isn't copyrighted, of course, but find a few
pictures that fit with your title and book that you like. Save them to your

(My dad designed the cover,
I came up with the title.)

2. Start playing around with your fonts
Is your book funny and goofy? Something sort of rough around the
edges and fun is great for that. If it's a romance, maybe a cursive font would
be best. If your book is a mystery or horror, something big and bold is great.
Find something that you like and use that.

3. Put them together
Mess around with your picture and do some editing until it's to your
liking. Once you've done that, use your preferred font to put the title and
your name on the picture. Save it and there you have it! A perfect book

Of course, you'll be using a professional cover when your book gets
published, but this is a great way to start getting your audience excited about
your book so they'll already know lots about it even before it gets published.
(Plus, this was fun, wasn't it)?

What's your book called? Do you have any tips when it comes to 
making your cover? Share in the comments!

Big thanks to the "magicviolinist" for this truly awesome blog post! Be sure to check out her blog here

Rosy's Song

14 August 2013

Hello everyone, it's me, Rosy again. Don't worry, this is the last you'll be seeing of me for a while. But I hear that sometime soon you will be meeting some of my very good friends, and some of my, well....not so good friends. *Cough cough* PRINCE HAROLD! *Cough cough*

But I came across something rather strange, and thought I would share it with you. The woman who invited me to participate in this blog has written a poem about me! Yes, a poem! A short one mind you, but it is still a little frighteningly accurate. Have a look!

“Brown eyes, timid yet large
Pink lips and long blonde hair
Servant, but heroism is her charge
Such beauty cannot share

Though softness be her nature
And merciful grace abounds
Rescue shall beseech her
And not ignore despairing sounds

Gentility must resign
Where courage doth employ
A crown received with jewels that shine

And marry her handsome boy”

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Character Week Intro: Meet Rosy

12 August 2013

This post is the first in a series known as "Character Week." Starting today, the main character of my novel "Royal" will have full reign over this blog for the next week. Be sure to check back in next Monday to meet another member of the cast of "Royal"!

Hello friends! Do excuse me for I'm feeling a bit nervous about writing to strangers, and to be completely honest I haven't the slightest idea what a 'blog' is! I'm not usually one who is too eager to speak my mind, but I've heard good things about you and don't mind sharing a little bit about my life.

To be honest, my background is both humble and mundane (in my opinion.) I grew up in the kingdom of Alavare and began working at the castle when I was thirteen. I'm nearly twenty now, and have looked after Princess Evangeline for all this time. Oh how I love that girl! If she ever has the opportunity, I know she would make a worthy ruler. Yet I doubt the throne will ever be hers, for her older brother Harold is the first heir. Although he couldn't care less about being king. But forgive me! I do believe I've been rambling. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Rosalina DeVere, but all the servants and the royal family too, call me Rosy.

Alavare Castle feels like my real home, and generally I am more comfortable here than anywhere else. And I don't know if I should speak of this--though it is certainly no secret in the kingdom...but Queen Jolenta has gone missing! We believe she must of have been kidnapped though nobody knows the reason why. No note was left though dear King Roldan has been driving himself crazy trying to find her. Heaven knows I am no scholar but I would bet a pretty penny that those Zadithians have something to do with it. We've been at war three times with the kingdom of Zadith, and we were finally starting to believe that peace had been restored between us. But it mere speculation on my part. Dear me, look at the time! I fear I must leave you before the princess notices my absence. Thank you ever so much for dedicating even a portion of your time to me, and I hope we all feel better acquainted.

Written by: Karoline Kingley

My New Blog?!

07 August 2013

This blog is going to be a little different from now on.
To some degree it will be an experiment/promotion and I hope that you, my faithful followers will stick with me on this journey and tell me whether or not you are enjoying the voyage! Who knows, if I receive negative reviews I might drop the idea. So what will the new plan look like?

From now on, everything will be centered around my completed and (as of now), unpublished novel, "Royal". To a larger extent, my characters will be taking over the posts, in effort that you will get to know them and their disposition better.
Each character will have their own week, and next week, starting Monday will be Rosalina DeVere's week. She'll tell you a bit about herself, life in the Alavare Castle, and what she thinks may have happened to the queen. (You'll learn more about that later.)
I'll also pepper in some fun features like Q&A's.

I know this may sound a bit extreme, but I'm hoping to let you guys know more about my book, while exploring different promotional options. You guys have been great viewers thus far, and I know ya'll will go on this journey with me.

If you're interested, you can feel free to review this blog feature once I have it all set up.
Thanks for reading, and please leave comments to let me know what you think about all this!

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Waiting - A Writer's Nightmare, or Secret Best Friend?

Writers do a lot of waiting. Some of it can't be avoided, while other times it's just procrastination or foolishness. For example, waiting for inspiration or the cool winds of autumn to tingle your artistic senses before writing, is a dumb idea.

But sometimes, life throws things at us that we just can't avoid, and you find yourself waiting. Maybe you'll start another writing project in the process, while the finished (or mostly finished) manuscript on your computer is just staring at you from the desktop. A few months ago, I submitted my novel to a writing contest and had to wait three weeks for a response. Sure, it was uncomfortable, but I got over it.

Currently, though, I'm experiencing a far more agonizing, although more type of exciting waiting. Perhaps I have mentioned before, that a few months ago I sent out queries to various agents. Three weeks ago, one of them replied, asking to see the entire manuscript. Obviously, I was over the moon. So before sending the entire book, I researched the agent one more time since I hadn't done so in a while. Aaaaaand it turns out, the woman who responded, is pretty gosh darn famous in the writing industry, and has published some iconic novels that have been made into movies. Yeah, I did a little happy dance when I discovered that. Okay, maybe a big happy dance. But who could blame me? When I mentioned the name to a few writer friend's of mine, they're eyes widened and they said, "Oh really? She's the real deal, you know."

Notwithstanding the fact that I know my story is currently being read with a critical and professional eye, I find it difficult to wait for a reply. Honestly, I wish they could just send me little emails every now again saying, "Just read chapter four, I like what I see so far!" But unfortunately, the world does not revolve around moi. *sigh*

Waiting isn't a bad thing. In fact, for us writers who tend to observe words all day via reading and writing, sometimes it's a good thing to stand back and take a break. When I finished the first draft of my novel, I printed it out, and left the copy in my closet for a few weeks before editing it again. And even during this time although I'm checking my email every half hour like a freak, I know this is giving me some time to breath and write like a clueless kid again. Lately, I've just been spitting out words on blank documents, and it feels great. So I would encourage you to do the same.

How has waiting benefited you? Or, how did you cope with it? Let me know in the comments!

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Character Intro: Meet Sir Lyle

This is the second installment of Character Introduction Week. This week I am introducing you to another one the main characters, Sir Lyle.

I suppose I should start from the beginning, since I have been ordered to introduce myself to all of you. As a whole I enjoy people and am not nearly as frightened as my friend Rosy was. My name is Sir Lyle Weston, I was born in Alavare but spent most of my growing up years in Zadith. I'm in my early twenties now, but despite our age gap the king of Alavare is one of my greatest friends. He summoned me to the castle shortly after his wife's absence was discovered and I hope to aid him in anyway I can. It is a queer tragedy though, one which I hardly know how to empathize with.

Dear Rosalina on the other hand, has made me feel incredibly welcome as well as useful. She is lovely and intuitive, I keep forgetting she is only a servant! To be honest, I had hoped to rekindle a friendship with Prince Harry, but he seems more sullen than I can recall. I can't say I will be envying you when ever you get a chance to meet him. He's not terribly talkative, although he has a cunning wit. But that is besides the point.

There isn't much to know about me other than I enjoy fencing, hunting and political affairs. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a rather odd place, for I was deemed "Sir" by the king of Zadith, and now I am aiding the king of Alavare. Since I view both men as my friends, I see no cause for compromising allegiance. I'm thinking of talking to Rosalina about it; she always seems to have an answer for everything.

Well, I fear I must depart from this lovely conversation, for King Roldan has noticed my absence it seems. But we shall seem more of one another within in the week. Thank you for making me feel so welcome!

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Judging a Book by Its Cover...And Its Title

Everyone says not to judge a book by its cover, yet we all do it. (Yes,
I'm looking at YOU). We also judge books by their titles. Why else would
we pick up a book? Unless someone recommended it to you, there usually
isn't another reason (unless you're lying or you had some spontaneous urge
to pick up a book at random).
That's why I'm here to help you. Your book needs an awesome cover
and title if it's going to survive in the book world. But how do you come up
with an awesome cover and title? There are a few ways.

Ask Yourself a Few Questions

1. Is your title unique? Do a quick Google search for your title. If
more than ten books show up with the exact same title as yours, you need to
choose something else, otherwise your book will get lost in the shuffle.

2. Is it cool? Which book are you more likely to pick up: The Day a
Purple Squirrel Ate My Brains or something vague like The Shadow? It
needs to be catchy, it needs to be memorable, it needs to be cool.

3. Does it put an image into your head? When you hear something,
an image automatically appears in your mind. When you say your title out
loud, what do you think of? Is the picture clear or kind of fuzzy around the
edges? A good title is the start of a good book cover, so make sure it's a
great one.

Cover Time

Take a look at your favorite books from the genre you write in. What
do their covers look like? Are they realistic or cartoony? Simple or
extravagant? Are the covers busy and bright or is there just one image on the
front, maybe a pair of socks or a cat? Study those covers carefully and
follow these steps to create your own cover.

1. Find a picture
Make sure the picture isn't copyrighted, of course, but find a few
pictures that fit with your title and book that you like. Save them to your

(My dad designed the cover,
I came up with the title.)

2. Start playing around with your fonts
Is your book funny and goofy? Something sort of rough around the
edges and fun is great for that. If it's a romance, maybe a cursive font would
be best. If your book is a mystery or horror, something big and bold is great.
Find something that you like and use that.

3. Put them together
Mess around with your picture and do some editing until it's to your
liking. Once you've done that, use your preferred font to put the title and
your name on the picture. Save it and there you have it! A perfect book

Of course, you'll be using a professional cover when your book gets
published, but this is a great way to start getting your audience excited about
your book so they'll already know lots about it even before it gets published.
(Plus, this was fun, wasn't it)?

What's your book called? Do you have any tips when it comes to 
making your cover? Share in the comments!

Big thanks to the "magicviolinist" for this truly awesome blog post! Be sure to check out her blog here

Rosy's Song

Hello everyone, it's me, Rosy again. Don't worry, this is the last you'll be seeing of me for a while. But I hear that sometime soon you will be meeting some of my very good friends, and some of my, well....not so good friends. *Cough cough* PRINCE HAROLD! *Cough cough*

But I came across something rather strange, and thought I would share it with you. The woman who invited me to participate in this blog has written a poem about me! Yes, a poem! A short one mind you, but it is still a little frighteningly accurate. Have a look!

“Brown eyes, timid yet large
Pink lips and long blonde hair
Servant, but heroism is her charge
Such beauty cannot share

Though softness be her nature
And merciful grace abounds
Rescue shall beseech her
And not ignore despairing sounds

Gentility must resign
Where courage doth employ
A crown received with jewels that shine

And marry her handsome boy”

Written by: Karoline Kingley

Character Week Intro: Meet Rosy

This post is the first in a series known as "Character Week." Starting today, the main character of my novel "Royal" will have full reign over this blog for the next week. Be sure to check back in next Monday to meet another member of the cast of "Royal"!

Hello friends! Do excuse me for I'm feeling a bit nervous about writing to strangers, and to be completely honest I haven't the slightest idea what a 'blog' is! I'm not usually one who is too eager to speak my mind, but I've heard good things about you and don't mind sharing a little bit about my life.

To be honest, my background is both humble and mundane (in my opinion.) I grew up in the kingdom of Alavare and began working at the castle when I was thirteen. I'm nearly twenty now, and have looked after Princess Evangeline for all this time. Oh how I love that girl! If she ever has the opportunity, I know she would make a worthy ruler. Yet I doubt the throne will ever be hers, for her older brother Harold is the first heir. Although he couldn't care less about being king. But forgive me! I do believe I've been rambling. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Rosalina DeVere, but all the servants and the royal family too, call me Rosy.

Alavare Castle feels like my real home, and generally I am more comfortable here than anywhere else. And I don't know if I should speak of this--though it is certainly no secret in the kingdom...but Queen Jolenta has gone missing! We believe she must of have been kidnapped though nobody knows the reason why. No note was left though dear King Roldan has been driving himself crazy trying to find her. Heaven knows I am no scholar but I would bet a pretty penny that those Zadithians have something to do with it. We've been at war three times with the kingdom of Zadith, and we were finally starting to believe that peace had been restored between us. But it mere speculation on my part. Dear me, look at the time! I fear I must leave you before the princess notices my absence. Thank you ever so much for dedicating even a portion of your time to me, and I hope we all feel better acquainted.

Written by: Karoline Kingley

My New Blog?!

This blog is going to be a little different from now on.
To some degree it will be an experiment/promotion and I hope that you, my faithful followers will stick with me on this journey and tell me whether or not you are enjoying the voyage! Who knows, if I receive negative reviews I might drop the idea. So what will the new plan look like?

From now on, everything will be centered around my completed and (as of now), unpublished novel, "Royal". To a larger extent, my characters will be taking over the posts, in effort that you will get to know them and their disposition better.
Each character will have their own week, and next week, starting Monday will be Rosalina DeVere's week. She'll tell you a bit about herself, life in the Alavare Castle, and what she thinks may have happened to the queen. (You'll learn more about that later.)
I'll also pepper in some fun features like Q&A's.

I know this may sound a bit extreme, but I'm hoping to let you guys know more about my book, while exploring different promotional options. You guys have been great viewers thus far, and I know ya'll will go on this journey with me.

If you're interested, you can feel free to review this blog feature once I have it all set up.
Thanks for reading, and please leave comments to let me know what you think about all this!

Written by: Karoline Kingley
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envye blogger theme