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Taking a Break from Writing

14 November 2013

For these next couple of weeks, I will be taking a break from writing in my book. I've recently completed the second draft, so I'm taking a leave of absence in order to be able to look at my manuscript with fresh eyes. And what am I doing in the meantime? A couple of things, but mainly, reading.

Yes, I read all the time anyways, but now I'm reading with more intention. For example, currently I'm reading Huckleberry Finn, and revisiting To Kill a Mockingbird. Why? Well I'm so glad you asked. In order to better understand first person, I will be reading and studying those famous books written in first person voice. If you need to take a break from writing, I would encourage you to spend that time in reading books that are similar to your story.

And what else?

I'm doing a lot of observing, and day dreaming-two things I am very good at. As romantic minded people, writers oftentimes find more romance and story material when we isolate ourselves from the indulgent outlet of writing. What I mean to say is, seperating yourself from the creative and imaginative process of writing, will force you to channel those same strengths into daily life. Let me give you an example.

A few days ago, my friend and I watched the BBC version of Great Expectations. It was fanastic by the way. And it just so happened the actor who played Pip (Douglass Booth) is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Okay, you caught me red handed. I can be a giddy teenage girl sometimes, but I would wager than few women would be able to keep their cool around that face. (Can you tell I have a little crush on him?) Consequently, whilst reading Huckleberry Finn and occasionally thinking about Pip's beautiful face, a story began to form in my mind. That which I read and that which I thought about melded together and gave me an idea which I have been excitedly mulling over ever since. It's been a while since something like that has happened.

While writing regularly is wise and advisable, writing incessantly can drain the very thing you are attempting to sharpen. Therefore I would encourage you to step back for a little while and start looking at the world through your writer's spectacles, and see what you find.

Do you need to take a break from writing? What have you done in the past to help you become a better writer? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I had the exact same reaction to him! I just watched Great Expectations a couple days ago. Glad to see someone else shares my reaction :)

  2. Haha! His face is certainly nice to look at. I like to call it, "observing God's glory in His creation"! ;)


Taking a Break from Writing

For these next couple of weeks, I will be taking a break from writing in my book. I've recently completed the second draft, so I'm taking a leave of absence in order to be able to look at my manuscript with fresh eyes. And what am I doing in the meantime? A couple of things, but mainly, reading.

Yes, I read all the time anyways, but now I'm reading with more intention. For example, currently I'm reading Huckleberry Finn, and revisiting To Kill a Mockingbird. Why? Well I'm so glad you asked. In order to better understand first person, I will be reading and studying those famous books written in first person voice. If you need to take a break from writing, I would encourage you to spend that time in reading books that are similar to your story.

And what else?

I'm doing a lot of observing, and day dreaming-two things I am very good at. As romantic minded people, writers oftentimes find more romance and story material when we isolate ourselves from the indulgent outlet of writing. What I mean to say is, seperating yourself from the creative and imaginative process of writing, will force you to channel those same strengths into daily life. Let me give you an example.

A few days ago, my friend and I watched the BBC version of Great Expectations. It was fanastic by the way. And it just so happened the actor who played Pip (Douglass Booth) is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Okay, you caught me red handed. I can be a giddy teenage girl sometimes, but I would wager than few women would be able to keep their cool around that face. (Can you tell I have a little crush on him?) Consequently, whilst reading Huckleberry Finn and occasionally thinking about Pip's beautiful face, a story began to form in my mind. That which I read and that which I thought about melded together and gave me an idea which I have been excitedly mulling over ever since. It's been a while since something like that has happened.

While writing regularly is wise and advisable, writing incessantly can drain the very thing you are attempting to sharpen. Therefore I would encourage you to step back for a little while and start looking at the world through your writer's spectacles, and see what you find.

Do you need to take a break from writing? What have you done in the past to help you become a better writer? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I had the exact same reaction to him! I just watched Great Expectations a couple days ago. Glad to see someone else shares my reaction :)

  2. Haha! His face is certainly nice to look at. I like to call it, "observing God's glory in His creation"! ;)


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