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The Power of Twitter

24 February 2014

About a month ago, my bloggy friend Kate at: made the (what has turned out to be) a fabulous suggestion that I start a twitter for my online book club. And boy, am I glad she mentioned it! I've been posting regularly for a little over a year now and over that time, I accumulated 12 followers. Which doesn't include email subscriptions and all that jazz. Averaging that out, you could say I got one new follower a month. Now to you, that may not sound like many, but I'm surprised that anyone thinks my posts are worth reading and commenting on! That being said, since I joined twitter about two to three weeks ago, I have gained FOUR new followers! Let me repeat: four new followers in two weeks, whereas it had taken me a YEAR to get twelve! It's the power of twitter, I tell ya. Anyway, I thought that was pretty cool and I wanted to share this cool way to expand your following since I know many of you are small bloggers too. If you're wondering what account I'm talking about, you can follow the tweetings of my online book club by searching for @internetreaders on twitter!

Do you use Twitter of other social medias? How have they helped you? Let me know in the comments! 

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The Power of Twitter

About a month ago, my bloggy friend Kate at: made the (what has turned out to be) a fabulous suggestion that I start a twitter for my online book club. And boy, am I glad she mentioned it! I've been posting regularly for a little over a year now and over that time, I accumulated 12 followers. Which doesn't include email subscriptions and all that jazz. Averaging that out, you could say I got one new follower a month. Now to you, that may not sound like many, but I'm surprised that anyone thinks my posts are worth reading and commenting on! That being said, since I joined twitter about two to three weeks ago, I have gained FOUR new followers! Let me repeat: four new followers in two weeks, whereas it had taken me a YEAR to get twelve! It's the power of twitter, I tell ya. Anyway, I thought that was pretty cool and I wanted to share this cool way to expand your following since I know many of you are small bloggers too. If you're wondering what account I'm talking about, you can follow the tweetings of my online book club by searching for @internetreaders on twitter!

Do you use Twitter of other social medias? How have they helped you? Let me know in the comments! 

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