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Character Intro: Meet King Roldan

12 September 2013

This is the third installment of the character introduction feature in my blog. In this post, you will meet one of the main characters in my novel "Royal", King Roldan.

I'm not entirely sure why I have agreed to make an appearance here today. There are a thousand other things to be done and my mind has not felt at ease for some weeks. However, Rosy insisted that I dedicate a small portion of my day to forgetting my troubles. And though I know the dear servant means well, I don't see how anything could distract from the problem that haunts me day and night. But from what I understand, Rosy and Lyle have already informed you about my dear wife, so I will not allude to her absence anymore.

I suppose the fact that I am king of a country sets me apart from the crowd, but to me, my position in life does not seem so remarkable. Not to say that I am ungrateful! On the contrary, I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and two children, not to mention the Alavare people have only every been loyal and faithful subjects. Sometimes though, especially now, it is tempting to forget those things and dwell on the unpleasant. It seems Rosy was right; simply talking to you all has proved to be therapeutic. I fear I must leave you all though now, I cannot too long neglect my duties, nor my guest Sir Lyle. Ah, how glad I am that he has come! Close friends can make the world of difference in a time of trouble. But I will tell you about that and more when I speak to you again next week. I hope I did not bore any of you terribly; the thought that somebody might actually be entertained by my ramblings is phenomenal to me!

-King Roldan

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Character Intro: Meet King Roldan

This is the third installment of the character introduction feature in my blog. In this post, you will meet one of the main characters in my novel "Royal", King Roldan.

I'm not entirely sure why I have agreed to make an appearance here today. There are a thousand other things to be done and my mind has not felt at ease for some weeks. However, Rosy insisted that I dedicate a small portion of my day to forgetting my troubles. And though I know the dear servant means well, I don't see how anything could distract from the problem that haunts me day and night. But from what I understand, Rosy and Lyle have already informed you about my dear wife, so I will not allude to her absence anymore.

I suppose the fact that I am king of a country sets me apart from the crowd, but to me, my position in life does not seem so remarkable. Not to say that I am ungrateful! On the contrary, I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and two children, not to mention the Alavare people have only every been loyal and faithful subjects. Sometimes though, especially now, it is tempting to forget those things and dwell on the unpleasant. It seems Rosy was right; simply talking to you all has proved to be therapeutic. I fear I must leave you all though now, I cannot too long neglect my duties, nor my guest Sir Lyle. Ah, how glad I am that he has come! Close friends can make the world of difference in a time of trouble. But I will tell you about that and more when I speak to you again next week. I hope I did not bore any of you terribly; the thought that somebody might actually be entertained by my ramblings is phenomenal to me!

-King Roldan

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